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Debuggers, MPLAB X and the Arduino

Debuggers, MPLAB X and the Arduino

This page is about programming ATMEGA328 chips, like the one found on the Arduino UNO, using modern (post 2015) tools like MPLAB X and the Snap or PICKit4 debuggers. As of July 2021 there is a little hiccup in how to do this. Hopefully in the future Microchip will fix the issue and render this […]

Choosing a platform for teaching microcontroller programming

Choosing a platform for teaching microcontroller programming

While planning a book on programming microcontrollers I've been trying to settle on a small group of microcontrollers that could be used for examples. Every couple of years I do this to myself.  Below are a few examples, including the ubiquitous Arduino UNO with an 8-bit chip, as well as the FRDM-KL25Z and Adafruit Metro […]