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Home » Posts tagged 'firmata4j'


Firmata4j and a Simple DHT20 example

Firmata4j and a Simple DHT20 example

After my earlier blog post from today, I wanted to verify that I could read single bytes of data from other sensors on the Grove Beginner Kit for Arduino. The next target? The DHT20 sensor. According to the data sheet, I should be able to be able to request a status byte and that that […]

Main Project Example for EECS 1021

Main Project Example for EECS 1021

The following is an example of a main project for the EECS 1021 course. While I think that it's important to provide concrete examples it's also important not to provide examples that are trivial to copy and, thus, reduce the effectiveness of the example as a learning tool. As such, I'm providing this example using […]

Java and Arduino (2022 edition)

Java and Arduino (2022 edition)

In the EECS 1021 class here at York University the students learning about object oriented programming in an engineering that uses sensors and actuators. We use Arduino devices that host a special pre-made firmware called Firmata to do this in order to unburden the students from the C++ coding that would otherwise be required on […]