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Firmata4j and a Simple DHT20 example

Firmata4j and a Simple DHT20 example

After my earlier blog post from today, I wanted to verify that I could read single bytes of data from other sensors on the Grove Beginner Kit for Arduino. The next target? The DHT20 sensor. According to the data sheet, I should be able to be able to request a status byte and that that […]

Lab Kit details for EECS 1011/1021

Lab Kit details for EECS 1011/1021

[Updated March 2024] EECS 1011 (and 1021) Lab Kit The EECS 1011 kit is available for purchase from the York University Bookstore. The link for all lab kits at the Bookstore is here. As soon as it is available your course instructor will let you know. While the official kit is designed to work for […]

Additional resources for Arduino Hardware and Matlab

Additional resources for Arduino Hardware and Matlab

[courtesy of Eric Prandovzsky.] You can use the available devices in the kit to come up with something creative Button LED Buzzer Microphone Light Sensor Potentiometer DHT11 Temperature sensor.  Pump Soil Moisture Sensor MOSFET If you want to add any advanced devices, these are the ones that have drivers available for MATLAB (all found on […]