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Flying Blind into January: Update on YorkU Air Quality [Oct 2021]

Flying Blind into January: Update on YorkU Air Quality [Oct 2021]

It's Oct 8, 2021. Last week I heard from my Vice Dean of the plan to go back to in-person teaching in January, 2022.[1] I believe that this is potentially a premature decision as York University appears to have ignored deficiencies in its measures to fight COVID. These include a vaccination documentation system that may […]

Fighting COVID with Ventilation

Fighting COVID with Ventilation

Introduction It's May, 14, 2021 and the consensus is that COVID is airborne, that the characteristics of aerosols play a significant role in how it spreads and infects.  This is distinct from the outdated assumption that it is spread primarily through droplets and/or surface contact (foamites). Summary: Add CO2 Sensors to our Classrooms & Offices […]