If I had my life to live over again, I would elect to be a trader of goods rather than a student of science. I think barter is a noble thing."
- Albert Einstein.
"Don't think money does everything or you are going to end up doing everything for money."
- Voltaire
"Were that pillar to sink into the earth, the same landed property would continue, and the same ploughing, sowing and reaping would go on. The aristocracy are not the farmers who work the land, and raise the produce, but are the mere consumers of rent; and when compared with the active world are the drones, a seraglio of males, who neither collect the honey nor form the hive, but exist only for lazy enjoyment."
- Thomas Paine in Rights of Man (1791) replying to Edund Burke's characterization of the aristocratic land owner as the "pillar of the landed interest."
"How could one describe and understand the movement of prices? Physics has always been concerned with dynamics, the way things change with time. It was the tried-and-true exemplar of successful theories and models. And physicists and engineers were jacks-of-all-trades, simultaneously skilled mathematicians, modelers, and computer programmers who prided themselves on their ability to adapt to new fields and put their knowledge into practice. Wall Street began to beckon them. In the 1980's, so many physicists flocked to investment banks that one headhunter I know referred to them as POW's - Physicists On Wall Street."
- Emanuel Derman from My Life as a Quant - Reflections on Physics and Finance. Also check out his website which has many interesting observations on physics and finance (and other things).
... the ownership of personal or material productive capacity is based upon a complex mixture of interitance, luck, and effort, probably in that order of relative importance. What is the ideal distribution from the standpoint of absolute ethics may be disputed, but of the three considerations named certainly none but the effort can have ethical validity. From the standpoint of absolute ethics most persons will probably agree that inherited capacity represents an obligation to the world rather than a claim on it."
- from The Ethics of Competition (1923) by Frank Knight
"Those who have succeeded at anything and don't mention luck are kidding themselves."
- Larry King
The narrative ends with the author leaving Wall St. after realising that "everyone I knew who had been an investment banker for a few years, including me, was an asshole."
- Frank Portnoy from F.I.A.S.C.O
Physicists/mathematicians have been involved in "finance" from the get-go, mostly because, well, we're just arrogant. Many have been very successful, including Newton himself, although playing the markets wasn't always a smooth ride, as described in Isaac Newton and the perils of the financial South Sea (July, 2020) where it is written that Newton allegedly said that he could "calculate the motions of the heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people." Ah, the physicist's eternal lament ...
And the trend continues 300 years later - Breaking boundaries: physicist bags 2022 economics Nobel. The work that won the prize is described in Economists win Nobel prize for showing why banks fail.
Physicists attempts to impose the methods of physics analysis on economic questions led to the creation of "econophysics". And it seems that econophysics can't get no respect ... or can it? There was a June, 2013 article in nature physics entitled What has econophysics ever done for us? which argues that the answer to the title question is, well, quite a bit actually.
There have been lots of books and articles about econophysics. See the reviews from Physics Today, The New York Times, Enterprising Investor, Minyanville's Wall Street, and Seeking Alpha of The Physics of Wall Street: A Brief History of Predicting the Unpredictable (2013) by James Owen Weatherall. You can also see his 2017 lecture at the Perimeter Institute entitled The Physics of Wall Street. In a similar vein there is the book Physicists on Wall Street and Other Essays on Science and Society by Jeremy Bernstein (2008) which includes an essay on physicists and Wall Street. Neither the reviewer from Nature - "The two cultures of Wall Street" - nor the one from The Times Higher Education were particularly impressed with Bernstein's musings on physicists and high finance. Bernstein wrote an earlier (2004) essay on the topic for Commentary magazine called The Einsteins of Wall Street. There are a couple of interesting reader letters responding to the piece. One was from the above quoted Emanuel Derman. He was a theoretical physicist who switched to the financial world and wrote the wonderful book about it - My Life as a Quant - Reflections on Physics and Finance (you can also see a number of reviews of the book on this site). Another book is Econophysics and Physical Economics (2013). Yet another book is Quantitative Finance by Jessica James. Finally, while on the topic of books, I believe the 1999 classic The Predictors: How a Band of Maverick Physicists Used Chaos Theory to Trade Their Way to a Fortune on Wall Street is still relevant.
An article about time (in the physics sense) and money (clearly in the "econo" sense) seems to fit as an econophysics article! Check out Einstein on Wall Street, a Time-Money Continuum by Mark Buchanan. In a similar vein, see in Einstein and The Great Fed Robbery how you can use the constancy of the speed of light to show that some Wall Street traders cheated!
Commentaries by Paul Krugman on economics and mathematical modeling include 'Deconstructing' Hostility to Economic Ideas and Ricardo's Difficult Idea.
For physicists interested in moving into finance there is Finance for Physicists, a website set up and maintained by Nigel Goldenfeld a physics professor at the University of Illinois. From the 2000 Times Higher Education magazine there's the story First year's salary: Pounds 23m.
For what it's worth here is the "official" site for the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences. By the by, the winner of the 1997 prize, Myron Scholes (he of the Black-Scholes Equation for risk management), was born in Timmins, Ontario, and raised in Hamilton where he went to McMaster University. Just saying.
Econophysics websites:
- Econophysics (Wikipedia)
- Econophysics Forum
- Econophysics e-journal
- Several old blogs - Econophysics blogspot and Phynance's Weblog
Econophysics Academic Programs and Groups:
- Econophysics Research in Victor Yakovenko's group at the University of Maryland.
- University of Houston
- There is a nice list of econophysics books given by H.E. Stanley from the Center for Polymer Studies at Boston University.
The Econophysics Colloquium series is named after a famous conference held in Berlin in 1920, attended only by young physicists. Among them, there were Niels Bohr, Lise Meitner and Otto Hahn, who played an important role in the development of quantum mechanics and nuclear physics. The first Econophysics Colloquium was held in Canberra in 2005 and it has been held every year since. Note that there was also a conference Econophysics: Trends & Challenges that was held at the Neils Bohr Institute (!) in May of 2008. See Econophysics: Historical Perspectives (February, 2008) for more details on the "continuous cross-fertilization between economics and physics that has been active in the last centuries." (I didn't find this link all that informative but keep it here for completeness.) There was also a dedicated Computing for Finance conference held at CERN on November 21, 2007, which was specifically aimed at how to use the Grid for financial computing.
Here are some articles on Econophysics and Phynance from the popular to the scientific press.
- Predicting human group sizes with physics - January, 2023
- The Unimportance of Accurate Financial Knowledge - January, 2023
- Swiss study demonstrates physics impact - November, 2022
- New data suggest most of the growth in the wage gap since 1980 comes from automation - November, 2022
- Selfishness for the greater good revealed in optimization of group dynamics - January, 2022
- Methods of getting results from real-world experiments win 2021 economics Nobel - October, 2021
- From Coordination to Collapse in Rigged Economies - September, 2021
- Fungi embrace fundamental economic theory as they engage in trading - June, 2021
- The paradox of fiber failure - July, 2020
- How particle physics could prevent financial fraud - February, 2020
- The physics of public opinion - January, 2020
- Physics tops finance in economic impact - November, 2019
- Exploring the causes of persistent corruption - June, 2019
- Modern economic theory explains prehistoric Mediterranean societies - May, 2019
- Finance under pressure - April, 2019
- Sociophysics and Econophysics, the Future of Social Science? - September, 2018
- The statistical mechanics of currency exchange - April, 2018
- Physics and wealth inequality - June, 2017
- Exploring gambles reveals foundational difficulty behind economic theory (and a solution) - February, 2016
- Entropy and econophysics - December, 2016
- The Physics of Stocks and Flows of Energy Systems - January, 2016
- How much is your time really worth? Student paper evaluates the economics of thought - August, 2015
- A seemingly obvious way to make the electricity market better may actually make it worse - July, 2015
- Debts and Financial Crises - June, 2015
- Environmental economics: Pricing the planet - April, 2015
- ‘Ecomodernist Manifesto’ reframes sustainable development - April, 2015
- Tax transactions to stabilize trading - March, 2015
- Heavily Interconnected Economies Are Vulnerable to Shocks - December, 2014
- Research papers supporting the theme The Structure of Information Economy - June, 2014
- New model uses the laws of molecular fluid dynamics to aid the analysis of financial markets - May, 2014
- Economics = MC2 portrait of the modern physics startup - April, 2014
- Econophysics: Can antimoney prevent the next financial crisis? - April, 2014
- Exchange rate behaves like particles in a molecular fluid - March, 2014
- Study finds investors prefer good-looking male backed entrepreneurial ventures - March, 2014 Time versus money? Placing a value on buyer's remorse - March, 2014
- Computer system simulates the behavior of tax evaders - March, 2014
- Your money or your life: coal miner's dilemma mirrors China's - March, 2014
- To avoid very high pension ages, enable more to work - March, 2014.
- Motivating migrants leads to better savings - March, 2014.
- Study finds evidence that stock prices can be predicted within a short window of time - February, 2014.
- Not so 'evil': Finance study makes case for hedging - January, 2014.
- From the October, 2013, Econophysics Journal Learn more about Econophysics including A Quantum Mechanics Model May Explain the Infringement of Some Financial Rules in Spite of Stiff Supervision!
- Chaos-on-a-chip model shows market bubbles may be predictable, controllable - October, 2013.
- Idolatry and Utility: How Economics Functions as a Latter-Day Religion - August, 2013
- Value judgements - Nature, August 23, 2013.
- The Second Law of Economics - Energy, Entropy, and the Origins of Wealth - December, 2011.
- Systemic risk in banking ecosystems - Nature, January 20, 2011.
- Here's Why Econophysics Will Never Work, Though Traders May Dream - Business Insider, August 16, 2010.
- 'Econophysics' points way to fair salaries in free market - Purdue News, July 12, 2010.
- Econophysicist Accurately Forecasts Gold Price Collapse - Technology Review, June 2, 2010.
- Predicting Economic Crises With 'Econophysics' - Science Daily, May 11, 2010.
- They Tried to Outsmart Wall Street - March 9, 2009, New York Times.
- Why Oh Why Can't We Have Better Econophysics? - a rant "about the horrors of physicists trying to do economics, by someone who used to be more sympathetic, but has since left physics, and has no credentials in economics."
- Newton's real influence on Adam Smith and its context - 2007
- Econophysics - December 11, 2005 New York Times.
- A GuidedWalk DownWall Street: An Introduction to Econophysics - September, 2004 The Brazilian Journal of Physics
- Physics of Personal Income - February 26, 2002 physicsworld.com.
- Econophysics - October 7, 1998 Physics News Update.
- Thermodynamics and economics - 1984
The following is a sampling of "web-accessable" papers from the arXiv
e-print archive on Econophysics and Phynance.
In particular have a look at the Quantitative Finance (q-fin) archive for the most recent articles. Some of these papers are more pure mathematics (but I included them anyway) and some are presumably utter nonsense since they are not refereed.
- The temporal evolution of venture investment strategies in sector space - June, 2019
- Contagion in Bitcoin networks - June, 2019
- A Theory of Discrete Hierarchies as Optimal Cost-Adjusted Productivity Organisations - April, 2019
- The physics of (ir)rational choice - April, 2019
- Predicting success in the worldwide start-up network - April, 2019
- A Pyramid Scheme Model Based on "Consumer Rebate" Frauds - April, 2019
- Multiple-interaction kinetic modelling of a virtual-item gambling economy - April, 2019
- Dynamic investment model of the life cycle of a company under the influence of factors in a competitive environment - April, 2019
- How fast does the clock of Finance run? - A time-definition enforcing scale invariance - December, 2016
- A framework for analyzing contagion in assortative banking networks - October, 2016
- An "inverse square law" for the currency market: Uncovering hidden universality in heterogeneous complex systems - June, 2016
- Physicists' approach to studying socio-economic inequalities: Can humans be modelled as atoms? - June, 2016
- Entangling credit and funding shocks in interbank markets - April, 2016
- Avoiding the "Condorcet paradox" in stakeholder networks for participatory decision-making: an agent-based approach - April, 2016
- Where is the global corporate elite? A large-scale network study of local and nonlocal interlocking directorates - April, 2016
- Pathways towards instability in financial networks - February, 2016
- Power-law cross-correlations estimation under heavy tails - February, 2016
- On the topologic structure of economic complex networks: Empirical evidence from large scale payment network of Estonia - February, 2016
- Volume of the steady-state space of financial flows in a monetary stock-flow-consistent model - January, 2016
- Irreversibility of financial time series: a graph-theoretical approach - January, 2016
- Modelling Financial Markets by Self-Organized Criticality - July, 2015
- Long-range memory and multifractality in gold markets - May, 2015
- Predictability of price movements in deregulated electricity markets - May, 2015
- Google matrix of the world network of economic activities - April, 2015
- A Study of Correlations in the Stock Market - April, 2015
- Agent-based mapping of credit risk for sustainable microfinance - April, 2015
- The Long Memory of Order Flow in the Foreign Exchange Spot Market - April, 2015
- Systemic trade-risk of critical resources - April, 2015
- Mesoscopic Community Structure of Financial Markets Revealed by Price and Sign Fluctuations - April, 2015
- Prices of Options as Opinion Dynamics of the Market Players with Limited Social Influence - March, 2015
- Canonical Sectors and Evolution of Firms in the US Stock Markets - March, 2015
- Forest Fire Model as a Supercritical Dynamic Model in Financial Systems - March, 2015
- Measuring switching processes in financial markets with the Mean-Variance spin glass approach - March, 2015
- Stock market comovements: nonlinear approach for 48 countries - February, 2015
- Power-law correlations in finance-related Google searches, and their cross-correlations with volatility and traded volume: Evidence from the Dow Jones Industrial components - February, 2015
- Inferring the interplay of network structure and market effects in Bitcoin - December, 2014
- Stess-testing the system: Financial shock contagion in the realm of uncertainty - December, 2014
- The Precautionary Principle (with Application to the Genetic Modification of Organisms) - October, 2014
- Assessing the Inequalities of Wealth in Regions: the Italian Case - October, 2014
- A polynomial distribution applied to income and wealth distribution - October, 2014
- A Systemic Stress Test Model in Bank-Asset Networks - October, 2014
- Tax Compliance and Public Goods Provision -- An Agent-based Econophysics Approach - September, 2014
- Scaling analysis of time series of daily prices from stock markets of transitional economies in the Western Balkans - September, 2014
- Preventing endogenous extreme events in herding dominant agent-based financial market - September, 2014
- A GDP-driven model for the binary and weighted structure of the International Trade Network - September, 2014
- Optimal models of extreme volume-prices are time-dependent - September, 2014
- International trade network: fractal properties and globalization puzzle - September, 2014
- Rawls' Fairness, Income Distribution and Alarming Level of Gini Coefficient - September, 2014
- Intra-day variability of the stock market activity versus stationarity of the financial time series - August, 2014
- Several Multiplexes in the same City: The role of wealth differences in urban mobility - August, 2014
- Agent based models for wealth distribution with preference in interaction - August, 2014
- Kinetic Exchange Models in Economics and Sociology - August, 2014
- A simple model of local prices and associated risk evaluation - August, 2014
- Ranking the Economic Importance of Countries and Industries - August, 2014
- Opinion Dynamics and Price Formation: a Nonlinear Network Model - August, 2014
- Wealth distribution of simple exchange models coupled with extremal dynamics - July, 2014
- Fokker-Planck Description of Wealth Dynamics and the Origin of Pareto's Law - July, 2014
- Spreading of intolerance under economic stress: results from a model with reputation - July, 2014
- Record statistics of financial time series and geometric random walks - July, 2014
- Predictable markets? A news-driven model of the stock market - April, 2014
- Microscopic determinants of the weak-form efficiency of an artificial order-driven stock market - April, 2014
- Do Bitcoins make the world go round? On the dynamics of competing crypto-currencies - March, 2014
- Behavioral and Network Origins of Wealth Inequality: Insights from a Virtual World - March, 2014
- Stationarity, non-stationarity and early-warning signals in economic networks - March, 2014
- A consentaneous agent based and stochastic model of the financial markets - March, 2014
- Netconomics: Novel Forecasting Techniques from the Combination of Big Data, Network Science and Economics - March, 2014
- Mapping systemic risk: critical degree and failures distribution in financial networks - February, 2014
- Intensive and extensive biases in economic networks: reconstructing world trade - February, 2014
- News Cohesiveness: an Indicator of Systemic Risk in Financial Markets - February, 2014
- Stock portfolio structure of individual investors infers future trading behavior - February, 2014
- Correlation and Network Topologies in Global and Local Stock Indices - February, 2014
- Spatial and temporal structures of four financial markets in Greater China - February, 2014
- Minsky Financial Instability, Interscale Feedback, Percolation and Marshall-Walras Disequilibrium - February, 2014
- Financial Brownian particle in the layered order book fluid and Fluctuation-Dissipation relations - January, 2014
- Microeconomic Structure determines Macroeconomic Dynamics. Aoki defeats the Representative Agent - January, 2014
- Propagation of Economic Shocks in Input-Output Networks: A Cross-Country Analysis - January, 2014
- Wealth distribution and collective knowledge. A Boltzmann approach - January, 2014
- Cross-border Portfolio Investment Networks and Indicators for Financial Crises - June, 2013
- Towards a systematic characterization of the potential of demand side management - January, 2014
- Hierarchicality of Trade Flow Networks Reveals Complexity of Products - January, 2014
- Forecasting wind speed financial return - December, 2013
- Modelling emergence of money from the barter trade: multiscaling edge effects - December, 2013
- Modelling the income distribution in the European Union: An application for the initial analysis of the recent worldwide financial crisis - December, 2013
- Self-organization and phase transition in financial markets with multiple choices - December, 2013
- Science and the Future: Introduction - December, 2013
- Structural Changes on Warsaw's Stock Exchange: the end of Financial Crisis - November, 2013
- Financial interaction networks inferred from traded volumes - November, 2013
- Modeling systemic risks in financial markets - November, 2013
- Measures of uncertainty in market network analysis - November, 2013
- Economic benefits of decarbonising the global electricity sector - October, 2013
- Quantum harmonic oscillator in option pricing - October, 2013
- The Relation Between Global Migration and Trade Networks - October, 2013
- Is it a power law distribution? The case of economic contractions - October, 2013
- A statistical physics perspective on criticality in financial markets - October, 2013
- Cascades in real interbank markets - October, 2013
- Random Matrix Application to Correlations Among Volatility of Assets - October, 2013
- Migration and Trade: A Complex-Network Approach - September, 2013
- New measure of multifractality and its application in finances - September, 2013
- The role of neighbours selection on cohesion and order of swarms - September, 2013
- Non-linear dependences in finance - September, 2013
- Analytical solution for a class of network dynamics with mechanical and financial applications - September, 2013
- Trade integration and trade imbalances in the European Union: a network perspective - September, 2013
- Stopping Financial Avalanches By Random Trading - September, 2013
- The Entropy Law and the impossibility of perpetual economic growth - September, 2013
- Economic networks in and out of equilibrium - September, 2013
- Segmentation procedure based on Fisher's exact test and its application to foreign exchange rates - September, 2013
- Do the rich get richer? An empirical analysis of the BitCoin transaction network - August, 2013
- The Limits of Phenomenology: From Behaviorism to Drug Testing and Engineering Design - August, 2013
- Econophysics Research in India in the last two Decades - August, 2013
- Time-reversal asymmetry in financial systems - August, 2013
- Emergence of scaling in human-interest dynamics - July, 2013
- The complex dynamics of wishful thinking: The critical positivity ratio - July, 2013
- Network Topologies of Financial Market During the Global Financial Crisis - July, 2013
- Tipping points in macroeconomic Agent-Based models - July, 2013
- Collective Philanthropy: Describing and Modeling the Ecology of Giving - July, 2013
- Modeling record-breaking stock prices - July, 2013
- The Digital Evolution of Occupy Wall Street - June, 2013
- Wisdom of Crowds Algorithm for Stock Market Predictions - June, 2013
- Evolution of correlation structure of industrial indices of US equity markets - June, 2013
- From Text to Bank Interrelation Maps - June, 2013
- Some applications of first-passage ideas to finance - June, 2013
- The Effect of Growth On Equality in Models of the Economy - May, 2013
- A Model for Scaling in Firms' Size and Growth Rate Distribution - April, 2013
- Jan Tinbergen's legacy for economic networks: from the gravity model to quantum statistics - April, 2013
- Do wealth distributions follow power laws? Evidence from "rich lists" - April, 2013
- Bridging stylized facts in finance and data non-stationarities - February, 2013
- Cycle frequency in standard Rock-Paper-Scissors games: Evidence from experimental economics - January, 2013
- The Kinetics of Wealth and the Origin of the Pareto Law - December, 2012
- On the global economic potentials and marginal costs of non-renewable resources and the price dynamics of energy commodities - September, 2012
- Physical approach to price momentum and its application to momentum strategy - August, 2012
- Distribution Of Wealth In A Network Model Of The Economy - August, 2012
- Application of Chaotic Number Generators in Econophysics - October, 2011
- Dynamics of Bid-ask Spread Return and Volatility of the Chinese Stock Market - October, 2011
- A semi-Markov model with memory for price changes - September, 2011
- Deterministic chaos in government debt dynamics with mechanistic primary balance rules - September, 2011
- From microscopic taxation and redistribution models to macroscopic income distributions - September, 2011
- Individual impact of agent actions in financial markets - September, 2011
- Antipersistent dynamics in kinetic models of wealth exchange - August, 2011
- Why is order flow so persistent? - August, 2011
- Econophysics: A Brief Review of Historical Development, Present Status and Future Trends - August, 2011
- Econophysics: Bridges over a Turbulent Current - July, 2011
- Identification of clusters of investors from their real trading activity in a financial market - July, 2011
- On the Zipf strategy for short-term investments in WIG20 futures - July, 2011
- Quantum Financial Economics - Risk and Returns - July, 2011
- Scaling properties of first-passage time probabilities in financial markets - July, 2011
- Renyi's information transfer between financial time series - June, 2011
- Maximum entropy distribution of stock price fluctuations - June, 2011
- Proportionate vs disproportionate distribution of wealth of two individuals in a tempered Paretian ensemble - June, 2011
- Applications of a constrained mechanics methodology in economics - June, 2011
- Financial factor influence on scaling and memory of trading volume in stock market - June, 2011
- The "S" Curve Relationship between Export Diversity and Economic Size of Countries - May, 2011
- The formation of share market prices under heterogeneous beliefs and common knowledge - May, 2011
- The foreign exchange market: return distributions, multifractality, anomalous multifractality and Epps effect - May, 2011
- Contextual Risk and Its Relevance in Economics - May, 2011
- Anomalous price impact and the critical nature of liquidity in financial markets - May, 2011
- Maximum Gain Round Trips with Cost Constraints - May, 2011
- Rational and actual behavior in lowest unique bid auctions - May, 2011
- Robustness and Contagion in the International Financial Network - April, 2011
- Full characterization of the fractional Poisson process - April, 2011
- Do firms share the same functional form of their growth rate distribution? A new statistical test - March, 2011
- Record statistics for biased random walks, with an application to financial data - March, 2011
- Scaling and Hierarchy in Urban Economies - February, 2011
- Black swans or dragon kings? A simple test for deviations from the power law - February, 2011
- Predicting economic market crises using measures of collective panic - February, 2011
- Adelic theory of stock market - February, 2011
- Capitalist Science - February, 2011
- Quantifying and Modeling Long-Range Cross-Correlations in Multiple Time Series with Applications to World Stock Indices - February, 2011
- The US stock market leads the Federal funds rate and Treasury bond yields - February, 2011
- Predicted and verified evolution of power-law exponent in product market - January, 2011
- An Econophysics Model for the Stock-Markets' Analysis and Diagnosis - January, 2011
- Econophysical Approaches for the Direct Foreign Investments - January, 2011
- Macrostate Parameter and Investment Risk Diagrams for 2008 and 2009 - January, 2011
- Competitive market for multiple firms and economic crisis - October, 2010
- Stratified economic exchange on networks - October, 2010
- On the coupled evolution of inflation, wealth and atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide - October, 2010
- Structure and Response in the World Trade Network - October, 2010
- Equilibrium distributions in gas-like economic models: an analytical derivation - October, 2010
- How sensitive are equilibrium pricing models to real-world distortions? - October, 2010
- A quantum model for stock market - September, 2010
- Quantitative law describing market dynamics before and after interest-rate change - September, 2010
- Google matrix of business process management - September, 2010
- Coherent Patterns in Nuclei and in Financial Markets - September, 2010
- House Price Distributions of Taiwan: A Preliminary Study - August, 2010
- Emergence of Universal Scaling in Financial Markets from Mean-field Dynamics - June, 2010
- Boltzmann Legacy and Wealth Distribution - May, 2010
- An Empirical Study of the Tails of Mutual Fund Size - May, 2010
- Note on Log-periodic Description of 2008 Financial Crash - May, 2010
- Persistent Collective Trend in Stock Markets - May, 2010
- Fifteen years of econophysics: worries, hopes and prospects - April, 2010
- WARNING: Physics Envy May Be Hazardous To Your Wealth! - March, 2010
- Large-volatility Dynamics in Financial Markets - February, 2010
- Adaptive Financial Networks with Static and Dynamic Thresholds - February, 2010
- Scale Invariant Properties of Public Debt Growth - February, 2010
- Should Economists Adopt Methods from Physics? - February, 2010
- Traders' Collective Portfolio Optimization with Transaction Costs: Towards Microscopic Validation of Agent-based Models - January, 2010
- Is the European Monetary System Converging to Integration? - January, 2010
- The Level Crossing Analysis of German Stock Market Index (DAX) and Daily Oil Price Time Series - January, 2010
- An Economic analogy to Electrodynamics - January, 2010
- Financial Crises and the Evaporation of Trust - November, 2009
- Simplified Model of the Wealth Game in the Absence of Market-Makers - October, 2009
- Has the World Economy Reached its Globalization Limit? - October, 2009
- New Perspectives in the Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics Approach to Social and Economic Sciences - October, 2009
- Analysing and Controlling the Tax Evasion Dynamics via Majority-vote Model - October, 2009
- The Building Blocks of Economic Complexity - September, 2009
- The Multi-Network of International Trade: A Commodity-Specific Analysis - August, 2009
- Communicability and Communities in Complex Socio-Economic Networks - July, 2009
- Relativistic Quantum Econophysics - New Paradigms in Complex Systems Modelling - July, 2009
- The Peter Principle Revisited: A Computational Study - July, 2009
- Economic Interactions and the Distribution of Wealth - June, 2009
- Dynamical Clustering of Exchange Rates - May, 2009
- Dynamical Clustering of Exchange Rates - May, 2009
- Trading leads to Scale-free Self-organization - May, 2009
- Class Formation in a Social Network with Asset Exchange - May, 2009
- Statistical Properties of Fluctuations: A Method to Check Market Behavior - May, 2009
- Microeconomics of the Ideal Gas like Market Models - May, 2009
- Income and Poverty in a Developing Economy - May, 2009
- A Statistical Analysis of Product Prices in Online Markets - May, 2009
- The Statistical Relationship between Product Life Cycle and Repeat Purchase Behavior in Convenience Stores - May, 2009
- Correlations, Risk and Crisis: From Physiology to Finance - May, 2009
- Word-of-mouth and Dynamical Inhomogeneous Markets: Efficiency Measure and Optimal Sampling Policies for the Pre-launch Stage - April, 2009
- Doves and Hawks in Economics Revisited. An Evolutionary Quantum Game Theory-based Analysis of Financial Crises - April, 2009
- The Size Variance Relationship of Business Firm Growth Rates - April, 2009
- The (Unfortunate) Complexity of the Economy - April, 2009
- Predator-Prey Model for Stock Market Fluctuations - March, 2009
- Interest Rate Change and Omori Dynamics in the Stock Market - March, 2009
- The Role of a Matchmaker in Buyer-vendor Interactions - February, 2009
- Quantum Theory of Economics - January, 2009
- A Biophysical Approach to Production Theory - January, 2009
- Kinetic Models for Wealth Exchange on Directed Networks - January, 2009
- An Analysis of the Japanese Credit Network - January, 2009
- Superstatistical Fluctuations in Time Series: Applications to Share Price Dynamics and Turbulence - January, 2009
- Agent-Based Model Approach to Complex Phenomena in Real Economy - January, 2009
- From Physics to Economics: An Econometric Example Using Maximum Relative Entropy - January, 2009
- The Spread of the Credit Crisis: View from a Stock Correlation Network - January, 2009
- Economic Models with Chaotic Money Exchange - January, 2009
- The Distribution of Landed Property - January, 2009
- Evidence for the Gompertz Curve in the Income Distribution of Brazil 1978-2005 - December, 2008
- Computational Modeling of Collective Human Behavior: Example of Financial Markets - December, 2008
- Mathematics Underlying the 2008 Financial Crisis, and a Possible Remedy - November, 2008
- Effect of Changing Data Size on Eigenvalues in the Korean and Japanese Stock Markets - November, 2008
- Fluctuations of Company Yearly Profits versus Scaled Revenue: Fat Tail Distribution of Levy Type - November, 2008
- Dynamical Theory of Price and Money in Volatile Markets. A Physicist's Reaction to Economics - November, 2008
- Transition from Pareto to Boltzmann-Gibbs Behavior in a Deterministic Economic Model - November, 2008
- Classical Logical versus Quantum Conceptual Thought: Examples in Economy, Decision theory and Concept Theory - October, 2008
- Economics need(s) a Scientific Revolution - October, 2008
- Breakdown of the Mean-field Approximation in a Wealth Distribution Model - September, 2008
- Random Walker in a Temporally Deforming Higher-order Potential Forces Observed in Financial Crisis - August, 2008
- Taxes in a Simple Wealth Distribution Model by Inelastically Scattering Particles - July, 2008
- Interdisciplinarity in Socio-economics, Mathematical Analysis and Predictability of Complex Systems - July, 2008
- Time Evolution of the Mutual Fund Size Distribution - July, 2008
- Learning from Physics Education Research: Lessons for Economics Education - July, 2008
- EconoThermodynamics, or the World Economy "Thermal Death" Paradox - July, 2008
- Klein - Gordon Equation for Market Wealth Operations - June, 2008
- The Question of Relaxation in the Wealth Exchange Models - June, 2008
- The 2006-2008 Oil Bubble and Beyond - June, 2008
- A Multi-agent-based Approach to Tax Morals - June, 2008
- Role of Scaling in the Statistical Modeling of Finance - April, 2008
- Correlations in Commodity Markets - March, 2008
- The Thermodynamic Approach to Market - March, 2008
- Gamma-distribution and Wealth Inequality - February, 2008
- Analysing Tax Evasion Dynamics via the Ising Model - January, 2008
- Short-time Behaviour of Demand and Price Viewed Through an Exactly Solvable Model for Heterogeneous Interacting Market Agents - December, 2007
- Wealth distribution in a System with Wealth-limited Interactions - October, 2007
- Reinforcement Learning in Market Games - October, 2007
- Projective Market Model Approach to AHP Decision-Making - September, 2007
- The Relativistic Velocity Addition Law Optimizes a Forecast Gambler's Profit - September, 2007
- Quantum Auctions: Facts and Myths - September, 2007
- A Brief History of Economics: An Outsider's Account - September, 2007
- Kinetic Exchange Models for Income and Wealth Distributions - September, 2007
- Time Reversal Invariance in Finance - August, 2007
- Economic Amplifier - A New Econophysics Mode - July, 2007
- Econophysics and Financial-Economic Monitoring - July, 2007
- EGT through Quantum Mechanics & from Statistical Physics to Economics - May, 2007
- The Tick-by-tick Dynamical Consistency of Price Impact in Limit Order Books - February, 2007
- Coupled Continuous Time Random Walks in Finance - August, 2006
- A Natural Value Unit - Econophysics as Arbiter between Finance and Economics - August, 2006
- Models of Wealth Distributions: A Perspective - April, 2006
- Generic Features of the Wealth Distribution in Ideal-gas-like Markets - March, 2006
- Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics of Wealth Condensation - January, 2006
- Applications of Physics to Finance and Economics: Returns, Trading Activity and Income - July, 2005
- Economics: The Next Physical Science? - June, 2005
- Detailed Simulation Results for Some Wealth Distribution Models in Econophysic - April, 2005
- Quantum Game Theory in Finance - July, 2004
- The CTRW in Finance: Direct and Inverse Problems with some Generalizations and Extensions - August, 2003
- Quantum Finance - March, 2002
- Exponential and Power-law Probability Distributions of Wealth and Income in the United Kingdom and the United States - March, 2001
- Combustion Models in Finance - January, 2001
- Statistical Mechanics of Money - August, 2000
- Gauge Physics of Finance: Simple Introduction - November, 1998