Experimental Particle Physics @ York
- HEP Faculty Members
- T2K Neutrino Experiment @JPARC
- ATLAS Experiment @ CERN
- DUNE Neutrino Experiment @Fermilab
- ALPHA Antihydrogen Trapping Experiment
Canadian Particle Physics
- Canadian Subatomic Physics Long-Range Plans
- The Institute of Particle Physics
- The Canadian Association of Physicists
- National Research Council
- York grad Nigel Lockyer was Director (2007 - 2012)
- The Perimeter Institute
- Canadian Light Source
- Overcomes Geographical Challenges - October, 2020
- Periodicals
- Canadian Science
International Particle Physics
- American Physical Society
- American Institute of Physics
- Union of Concerned Scientists
- U.S. Dept. of Energy HEP Division
- U.S. NSF Division of Physic
- European Physical Society
- Europhysics News
- Association of Asia Physical Societies
Physics Resources
- Fundamental Physical Constants
- Periodicals
- Interactive Modern Physics
- physics central
- The Nobel e-Museum (Physics)
- fq(x) Community
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- Eric's Treasure Trove of Physics
- Yahoo: Physics
- About Physics
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- Physics FAQ
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Science Education & Outreach
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- Yes I Can ! SCIENCE
- Perimeter Institute Outreach
- Particle Physics Sites
- Physics Sciences Resource Center
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- The Discovery Channel
- Ontario Science Centre
- Science North
- The Why Files
- Talk like a Physicist
- Who's the Scientist?
- Physics T-shirts [AIP] [Mathematicians]
- Subatomic Particle Plushies
Physics History
What's New in Physics
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- Improbable Research - What's New
Particle Physics Directory
- The Particle Data Group
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- Laboratory Periodicals
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- Interactions (HEP News)
- Long-Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Newsletter
- symmetry
- Journals of High Energy Physics
Learning about Particle Physics
- Learn to speak physics
- Most Beautiful Science Labs
- How particle detectors capture matter's hidden, beautiful reality
- The coevolution of particle physics and computing
- Particle People
- Quantum Diaries (2005 to 2016)
- The Particle Adventure
- A Video Tour of the Standard Model
- Quantum Universe - The Revolution in 21st-Century Particle Physics
- Searching for the Building Blocks of Matter
- Inquiring Minds (Fermilab)
- Particle Physics UK
- The World of Beams
- Particle Detectors "Briefbook"
- The Discovery of the Electron
- The Fall of Parity
- CP Violation's Early Days
- Antimatter [Version Francaise]
- The Discovery of Quarks
- The Discovery of Charm
- Revisiting the b revolution
- History of Neutrinos [Version Francaise]
- The Ghost Particle (NOVA on PBS)
- What is the Higgs Boson?
Careers in Physics
- CAP Physics Careers
- AIP Career Resources
- physicsworld careers
- brightrecruits
- The road from academia to entrepreneurship (2021)
- The Importance of Investing in Physics (2021)
- Hands-On Lab Skills Key for Quantum Jobs (2020)
- What have particle accelerators ever done for us?
- A physics MSc opens doors to myriad careers
- The value of basic research (2017)
- The Value of Investment by the U.S. Gov't Can't Be Overstated
- Why Support Science? - Fermilab
- The Use of Basic Science? - CERN
- Will Innovation Flourish in the Future?
- Particle Physics Benefits: Adding it up (2008)
- A Fearlessly Creative Workforce (2008)