The Southern Ontario Large-Scale Time-Coincidence Array Project
The old website - not maintained since 2016
Cosmic Ray Outreach Efforts Worldwide
- High schools focus on the extreme universe - 2006 CERN Courier article by Jim Pinfold
- VICTA - Vancouver Island Cosmic-ray Time-coincidence Array - talk
- QuarkNet - Cosmic Ray e-Lab-Development - Fermilab, USA
- Cosmic Connection - Berkeley, USA
- HiSPARC - Holland
Fluorescence for high school students - July, 2012 - The EEE Project: a sparse array of telescopes for the measurement of cosmic ray muons - Italy and CERN
A simulation tool for MRPC telescopes of the EEE project - May, 2020 - Sky-View - Wuppertal, Germany
- Cosmic ray detectors for high schools in France - 2016
- CZELTA - Czech Republic
- HeLyCON - Greece
- Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays - U. Pittsburgh
- SKALTA 2011 - Slovaki
- CHICOS - California, USA
- Projects that I believe are no longer operational
- Old QuarkNet Stuff - Users Manual 2003, DAQ card Intro 2003, Low-Cost Data Acquisition Card for School-Network Cosmic Ray Detectors
- ALTA - Alberta, ALTA electronics 2004
- Washington Large Area Time Coincidence Array (Wikipedia), WALTA - Washington state, USA
- WALTA school-network cosmic ray detectors - November, 2003
- GPS Time Synchronization in School-Network Cosmic Ray Detectors - November, 2003
- SALTA - Colorado, USA
- CROP - Nebraska, USA
- The Cosmic Ray Observatory Project: A Statewide Outreach and Education Experiment in Nebraska - July, 2007
- SCROD: School Cosmic Ray Outreach Detector, School Cosmic Ray Outreach Detector (SCROD)
Related Papers and Articles
- Capturing Cosmic Ray Research and Researchers with Art -
- The CosmicWatch Desktop Muon Detector: a self-contained, pocket sized particle detector - March, 2018
- The International Cosmic Day - An Outreach Event for Astroparticle Physics - November, 2017
- A demonstration device for cosmic rays telescopes - August, 2017
- High energy astroparticle physics for high school students - August, 2015
- A simple technique for gamma ray and cosmic ray spectroscopy using plastic scintillator - April, 2015
- DIY particle physics - April, 2015
- Observing Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays with Smartphones - October, 2014
- Track fitting by Kalman Filter method for a prototype cosmic ray muon detector - October, 2014
- A general detector testing system using cosmic rays - August, 2013
- Learning to Build a Cosmic Ray Detector - July, 2012
- Users Manual 2010 (QuarkNet board)
- Cosmic rays studied with a hybrid high school detector array - September, 2008
Some Cosmic Ray Physics
- Some History
- September 15, 1910: Theodor Wulf Publishes First Evidence of Cosmic Radiation
- April 17, 1912: Victor Hess's balloon flight during total eclipse to measure cosmic rays
- February 6, 1970: Luis Alvarez's Paper in Science on Cosmic Rays and Pyramids
Life beyond the Nobel: how Luis Alvarez deduced the disappearance of the dinosaurs
- Muons unveiled new details about a void in Egypt’s Great Pyramid - March, 2023
- Nuclear reactor reconstructed in 3D using muon imaging,
Using muon detectors to remotely create a 3D image of the inside of a nuclear reactor - February, 2023 - Muon scanning hints at mysteries within an ancient Chinese wall - January, 2023
- Cosmic-ray muons used to create cryptography system - January, 2023
- Cosmic muons probe the interiors of tropical cyclones - October, 2022
- Cosmic rays may be key to understanding galactic dynamics - August, 2021
- Cosmic rays threaten Martian agriculture - August, 2021
- Cosmic-ray threat to quantum computing greater than previously thought - July, 2021
- Pulsar Halo Hints at Slow Diffusion of Cosmic Rays - June, 2021
- Probing deeper into origins of cosmic rays - May, 2021
- Most precise measurements of cosmic ray proton and helium spectra above TeV - May, 2021
- Confirming a Cosmic-Ray Bump - May, 2021
- Highest ever energy light captured by Chinese mountain observatory - May, 2021
- Prototype detector uses cosmic muons to scan shipping containers - February, 2021
- Cosmic-Ray Time Capsules, A possible way to measure ancient rate of cosmic ray strikes using 'paleo-detectors' - December, 2020
- Quantum computers may be heading underground to shield from cosmic rays, Cosmic rays may soon stymie quantum computing - August, 2020
- Cosmic Rays May Explain Life's Bias for Right-Handed DNA - June, 2020
- New Data Reveal the Heavy Side of Cosmic Rays - May, 2020
- Muons: probing the depths of nuclear waste - January, 2020
- Muons Reveal Record-Breaking Thunderstorm Voltage - March, 2019
- Cosmic rays continue to confound - December, 2016
- What is AMS telling us? - December, 2016
- GRAPES-3 indicates a crack in Earth's magnetic shield - November, 2016
- Cosmic-Ray Showers Reveal Muon Mystery, Cosmic-ray showers create more muons than expected - October, 2016
- Can physics reveal the secrets of Egypt's pyramids? - October, 2015
- Particle-physics lab beneath a Mexican pyramid - May, 2015
- Perturbations to aquatic photosynthesis due to high-energy cosmic ray induced muon flux in the extragalactic shock model - September, 2013
- Muon tomography imaging algorithms for nuclear threat detection inside large volume containers with the Muon Portal detector - July, 2013
- Chephren pyramid: Finding something in finding nothing - March, 2013
- Looking at volcanoes with cosmic-ray muons - December, 2012