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The Southern Ontario Large-Scale Time-Coincidence Array Project

The old website - not maintained since 2016

Cosmic Ray Outreach Efforts Worldwide

  1. High schools focus on the extreme universe - 2006 CERN Courier article by Jim Pinfold
  2. VICTA - Vancouver Island Cosmic-ray Time-coincidence Array - talk
  3. QuarkNet - Cosmic Ray e-Lab-Development - Fermilab, USA
  4. Cosmic Connection - Berkeley, USA
  5. HiSPARC - Holland
    Fluorescence for high school students - July, 2012
  6. The EEE Project: a sparse array of telescopes for the measurement of cosmic ray muons - Italy and CERN
    A simulation tool for MRPC telescopes of the EEE project - May, 2020
  7. Sky-View - Wuppertal, Germany
  8. Cosmic ray detectors for high schools in France - 2016
  9. CZELTA - Czech Republic
  10. HeLyCON - Greece
  11. Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays - U. Pittsburgh
  12. SKALTA 2011 - Slovaki
  13. CHICOS - California, USA
  14. Projects that I believe are no longer operational

Related Papers and Articles

Some Cosmic Ray Physics