- Tsotsos, J., Mylopoulos, J., Covvey, H.D., Zucker, S.W., A Framework for Visual Motion Understanding, IEEE Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Special Issue on Computer Analysis of Time-Varying Imagery, 2(6), p563–573, Nov. 1980.
- Tsotsos, J.K., Can the Computer Ever take over the Practice of Medicine?, Canadian Medical Association Journal, 122(9):993, 1980.
- Covvey, H., McLaughlin, P., Tsotsos, J., Ridsdale, G., Wigle, E.D., An Image Processing System for Cardiovascular Wall Motion Studies, Proc. 4th Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care, Washington, Nov. 1980, p1154-1157.
- 10) Tsotsos, J.K., Covvey, H.D., Mylopoulos, J., A Representational Formalism for Left Ventricular Wall Motion Studies, Proc. IEEE Computers in Cardiology, Williamsburg, VA, Oct. 1980, p451-454.
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