- Tsotsos, J.K., Knowledge of the Visual Process: Content, Form and Use, Proc. International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Munich, Oct. 1982, p654 - 669.
- Shibahara, T., Mylopoulos, J., Tsotsos, J., Covvey, H., CAA: A Knowledge-Based System with Causal Knowledge to Diagnose Rhythm Disorders in the Heart, Proc. CSCSI/SCEIO, Saskatoon, May 1982, p71-78.
- Tsotsos, J.K., Covvey, H., Mylopoulos, J., McLaughlin, P., The Role of Symbolic Processing in the Computer Evaluation of Left Ventricular Wall Motion: The ALVEN System, Proc. International Symposium on Left Ventricular Function, May 1982, Laussane, Switzerland.
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