- A. J. Rodriguez-Sanchez, J. K. Tsotsos and J. C. Martinez-Trujillo, Velocity Gradient Information Influences Optical Flow Processing in Human Observers, VSS, 2004
- A. L. Rothenstein, A. Zaharescu and J. K. Tsotsos, A General Purpose Neural Network Simulator for Visual Attention Modeling, WAPCV 2004
- A. L. Rothenstein, A. Zaharescu and J. K. Tsotsos, TarzaNN: A General Purpose Neural Network Simulator for Visual Attention Modeling, ECCV 2004.
- A. Zaharescu, Towards a Biologically Plausible Active Visual Search Model, M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Computer Science, York University, 2004
- A. Zaharescu, A. Rothenstein, J. K. Tsotsos, Towards a Biologically Plausible Active Visual Search Model, Proc. ECCV WAPCV2004, Prague, May 15, 2004.
- C. Bauckhage and C. Thurau. Exploiting the Fascination: Video Games in Machine Learning Research and Education. In Proc. 2nd Int. Workshop in Computer Game Design and Technology, pages 61-70. ACM, 2004. (invited paper).
- C. Bauckhage and C. Thurau. Towards a Fair 'n Square Aimbot - Using Mixtures of Experts to Learn Context Aware Weapon Handling. In Proc. GAME-ON, pages 20-24, 2004.
- C. Thurau, C. Bauckhage, and G. Sagerer. Imitation learning at all levels of game-AI. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Computer Games, Artificial Intelligence, Design and Education, pages 402-408, 2004.
- D. Cheyne, J. Martinez-Trujillo, E. Simine, W. Gaetz, J. Tsotsos, Activation of MT/V5 and Inferior Parietal Lobe During the Detection of Changes in the Direction of Coherent Motion Stimuli, BIOMAG, 2004, Boston
- E. Simine, W. Gaetz, D. Cheyne, J. K. Tsotsos and J. C. Martinez-Trujillo, MEG Study of Temporal Parameters and Localization of Brain Responses During the Detection of Transient Changes in the Direction of Moving Stimuli - Abstract for this poster (text format).
- J. Gryn, Automated Surveillance Using Local Dominant Direction Templates, M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Computer Science, York University, 2004
- J. K. Tsotsos, Distributed Saliency Computations Solve the Feature Binding Problem, Proc. ECCV WAPCV, Prague, May 15, 2004.
- K. G. Derpanis, R. P. Wildes and J. K. Tsotsos, Hand Gesture Recognition within a Linguistics-Based Framework, European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2004 pp 282-296
- K. Zhou, Modeling Motion with the Selective Tuning Model, M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Computer Science, York University, 2004
- M. Tombu and J. K. Tsotsos, Attention to Orientation Results in an Inhibitory Surround in Orientation Space, CIHR IRSC, 2004
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