- Andreopoulos, A., Tsotsos, J.K., A Computational Learning Theory of Active Object Recognition Under Uncertainty, International Journal of Computer Vision , p1-48, 2012 (online August 7, 2012)
- Andreopoulos A., Tsotsos J.K., On Sensor Bias in Experimental Methods for Comparing Interest Point, Saliency and Recognition Algorithms, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, January 2012 (vol. 34 no. 1) pp. 110-126
- Bruce, N.D.B., Tsotsos, J.K. Attention in Stereo Vision: Implications for Computational Models of Attention. In Pomplun, M. & Suzuki, J. Developing and Applying Biologically-Inspired Vision Systems: Interdisciplinary Concepts. IGI Global.
- Bruce, N., Shi, X., Tsotsos, J.K., Recurrent Refinement for Visual Saliency Estimation in Surveillance Scenarios, Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision, May 2012, Toronto, Ont.
- Fazl-Ersi, E., Elder, J.H., Tsotsos, J.K., Hierarchical Classifiers for Robust Topological Robot Localization, Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, p. 1-17, April 13, 2012
- Fazl-Ersi, E., Tsotsos, J.K., A Performance Evaluation of Robot Localization Methods in Outdoor Terrains, Chapter 3.7 in C.H. Chen (Ed.), Emerging Topics in Computer Vision and its Applications, World Scientific Publishing
- Fazl-Ersi, E., Tsotsos, J.K., Histogram of Oriented Uniform Patterns for Robust Place Recognition and Categorization, The International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR) Special Issue on Robot Vision, 0278364911434936, first published on January 25, 2012
- Fazl-Ersi, E., Tsotsos, J.K., Visual Place Categorization in Indoor Environments, Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision, May 2012, Toronto, Ont.
- Rodriguez-Sanchez, A., Tsotsos, JK., The roles of endstopped and curvature tuned computations in a hierarchical representation of 2D shape, Developing and Applying Biologically‐Inspired Vision Systems: Interdisciplinary Concepts, edited by M. Pomplun and J. Suzuki, IGI Global
- Rodriguez-Sanchez, A., Tsotsos, J.K, The roles of endstopped and curvature tuned computations in a hierarchical representation of 2D shape, Public Library of Science (PLoS) ONE, available online 8/9/2012. http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0042058.
- Shi, X., Bruce, N., Tsotsos, J.K., Biologically Motivated Local Contextual Modulation Improves Low-level Visual Feature Representation, ICIAR 2012
- Shi, X., Tsotsos, J.K., Background Subtraction via Early Recurrence in Dynamic, 21st Int. Conference on Pattern Recognition, Nov. 11-15, 2012, Tsukuba Science City, Japan.
- Shi, X., Tsotsos, J.K., Improved Edge Representation via Early Recurrent Inhibition, Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision, May 2012, Toronto, Ont.
- Tsotsos, J.K., Rothenstein, A.L., Simine, E., Zaharescu, A., Visual Attention: Computational Problems, Strategies, and Mechanism, in Neuroscience of Attention, ed. G.R. Mangun, Oxford University Press, 2012, p. 81-99.
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