Winter Term 2021/22
- SC/MATH2270 - Differential Equations
- SC/MATH1507 - Mathematics II for the Biological and Health Sciences
- SC/MATH2271 - Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers
- SC/Math 1014 - Applied Calculus II
Teaching and learning resources for students
York University's Learning Commons
Bethune college: an out-of-classroom home of Faculty of Science and Lassonde School of Engineering students at York University.
Mathematics & Statistics freely available scientific computing softwares
GeoGebra for Teaching and Learning Math: Free digital tools for class activities, graphing, geometry, collaborative whiteboard and more
Sketchometry: You draw with your finger or the mouse. Sketchometry then converts your sketches into geometrical constructions that can be dragged and manipulated
JupyterLab or Jupyter Notebook: The Jupyter Notebook is an open-source web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations, and narrative text. Uses include: data cleaning and transformation, numerical simulation, statistical modeling, data visualization, machine learning, and much more
Installation, on all of Windows, macOS, and Linux, one way is (PLEASE! this is NOT the one method, you can follow your own choice):
- Install Anaconda (it installs all packages you need and all other tools mentioned below).
- For writing and executing code, use notebooks in JupyterLab for exploratory and interactive computing, and Spyder or Visual Studio Code for writing scripts and packages.
- Use Anaconda Navigator to manage your packages and start JupyterLab, Spyder, or Visual Studio Code.
- Note that once, the anaconda is installed, and Jupter notebook is open, you can import and use: