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Other Resources: Psychological Tests

Please find below links to organizations, websites, and tools that provide access to tests; information about tests; and other resources. This is NOT a complete list, it is simply some suggestions for your research.

York University Libraries

The York Library has many resources, a great place to start is the Psychology Research Guide and includes

PsycTESTS [electronic resource] / American Psychological Association – “PsycTESTS is a research database that provides access to psychological tests, measures, scales and other assessments as well as descriptive and administrative information.” – Access via the York University library website. See the “Psychology” Subject Research Guide here.

Mental Measurements Yearbook (N.B. MMYB database is available via York University’s library)print or on-line. Newer editions of MMYB do not supersede older editions, but supplement and expand on them.

Tests in Print   provides a listing of "commercially available tests that are currently in print".


See this APA guide: Getting Started with PsycTests

FAQ/Finding Information About Psychological Tests - The APA provides guidance and answers to frequently asked questions on using and finding psychological tests.

Links to Other Testing-Related Sites

PAR Inc.

Par Assessment Toolkit Mobile App


The Test Collection at ETS is a library of more than 25,000 tests and other measurement devices that makes information on standardized tests and research instruments available to researchers, graduate students, and teachers. Collected from the early 1900s to the present, the Test Collection at ETS is the largest such compilation in the world.


This York professor's web page provides student researchers with easy access to a number of psychological tests. These tests are copyrighted but the test authors have given their permission to have these tests downloaded and used by student researchers. In general, the name of the test gives a good idea of what the test measures. In instances where this is not obvious, a short description is provided.

Examples of things you can find on the internet:

The organizations listed below are NOT endorsed or approved. You must use your own judgment in establishing the validity, authorship, currency, and integrity of what you find and ultimately use. 4170 and 4000 students should always get the approval and / or authorization from their course director, supervisor or TA before using or administering any test(s).

Psych Central is the Internet’s largest and oldest independent mental health social network created and run by mental health professionals for over 13 years. Psych Central has its roots in indexing online support groups, starting in the summer of 1991. Launched in January 1995 as Psych Central: John Grohol’s Mental Health Page. Regularly maintained by Dr. Grohol and a staff of contributing editors, it is one of the Net’s best information sources for mental health information, as well as providing annotated guides to the most useful websites, newsgroups, and mailing lists online today in mental health, psychology, social work, and psychiatry.

Psychological Tests and Quizzes /by John M. Grohol, Psy.D. - All of the quizzes offered are free and most have been scientifically reviewed. They are instantly and automatically scored once completed, giving you immediate results. You can also store your scores, to help you track your progress over time.

Top Ten On-line Psychology Experiments – a list of the best online psychology tests. Some of these are used to collect data for research experiments, while others are skill tests or quizzes that offer personal insights.

Face Recognition Homepage - aims to provide scientists with the relevant information in the area of face recognition. This page is intended to be an information pool for the face recognition community. Its goal is to provide an entry point for novices as well as a centralized information resource to concentrate face recognition and related scientific efforts.

Positive Psychology Center at the University of Pennsylvania provides information on and downloadable copies of a number of questionnaires. “Positive Psychology is the scientific study of the strengths and virtues that enable individuals and communities to thrive. The Positive Psychology Center promotes research, training, education, and the dissemination of Positive Psychology. This field is founded on the belief that people want to lead meaningful and fulfilling lives, to cultivate what is best within themselves, and to enhance their experiences of love, work, and play.” e.g. Attributional Style Questionnaire (ASQ) ; Curiosity and Exploration Inventory (CEI); Gratitude Questionnaire – 6 (GQ-6) ; Hope Scale (HS) ; Inspiration Scale (IS); Meaning in Life Questionnaire (MLQ); Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS); Older Adults’ Attributional Style Questionnaire (OAASQ) ; Personal Growth Initiative Scale (PGIS); Psychological Well-Being Scales; Quality of Life Inventory (QOLI); Satisfaction with Life Scale; Silver Lining Questionnaire (SLQ) ; State-Trait-Cheerfulness Inventory (STCI); Subjective Happiness Scale (SHS); Transgression-Related Interpersonal Motivations Inventory (TRIM); VIA Inventory of Strengths (VIA-IS) 

Promoting Excellence In-End-of-Life Care – A collection of Key Clinical Assessment and Research Tools frequently used in palliative care. Full text or source information is provided.

International Personality Item Pool (IPIP) - A Scientific Collaboratory for the Development of Advanced Measures of Personality and Other Individual Differences. ~ Mission Statement ~ This IPIP Website is intended to provide rapid access to measures of individual differences, all in the public domain, to be developed conjointly among scientists worldwide. Later, the site may include raw data available for reanalysis; in addition, it should serve as a forum for the dissemination of psychometric ideas and research findings.

Social-Personality Psychology / Questionnaire Instrument Compendium (QIC) - Maintained by Alan Reifman, Professor, Human Development and Family Studies, Texas Tech University
- links to pages where (a) the full instrument is shown, and (b) the instrument was put on the web by the person who created the instrument, thus ensuring that the instrument was intended to be put into the public domain.

University of Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry, School of Clinical Medicine, ARC -  Various tests have been devised by ARC for use in research. Some of these tests are made available for download and use provided that they are used for genuine research purposes, and you provide due acknowledgement of ARC as the source. Including many Autism and Asperger’s measures, as well as, Cambridge Mindreading (CAM) Face-Voice Battery –testing recognition of 20 complex emotions and mental states from faces and voices  ; Eyes Test (Child and Adult); Faces Test; Reading the Mind in the Voice Test – these tests include actual images.

Center for HIV Identification, Prevention, and Treatment Services (CHIPTS) – A collection of scales & surveys for download (broken down into diverse sub-categories like: Attachment; Financial Situation; Personal Traits; Quality of life; Social, etc).

Substance Use Screening Assessment Instruments Database - ALCOHOL AND DRUG ABUSE INSTITUTE, University of Washington – This database is intended to help clinicians and researchers find instruments used for screening and assessment of substance use and substance use disorders. Some instruments are in the public domain and can be freely downloaded from the web; others can only be obtained from the copyright holder. We don’t provide copies of instruments, but links to contact and availability information are included if known.

BBC science and nature: surveys and psychological tests  - A range of surveys and psychological tests.

RAND Health Surveys and Tools: RAND Health has produced many practical surveys and tools for improving quality of care. Many are available,  organized by topic. All of the surveys and tools from RAND Health are public documents, available without charge (for non-commercial purposes).

HSRR (Health Services and Science Research Resources):Produced by the National Information Center on Health Services Research and Health Care Technology. Provides information about research datasets and instruments/indices used in Health Services Research, Behavioral and Social Sciences, and Public Health.

Traumatology Institute at Tulane University (New Orleans) – Dr. Charles Figley – A collection of
tests and assessments that measure various aspects of traumatization:

Bright Futures - Part of a mental health guide from Bright Futures is the Mental Health Tool Kit. The tool kit is a companion volume of tools to assist health professionals in screening, education, and health care management. The tool kit includes handouts for families on issues ranging from sibling adjustment to recognizing symptoms of depression. Jellinek, M., Patel, B.P. & Froehle, M.C. (Eds.) (2002). Bright Futures in Practice: Mental Health—Volume II, Tool Kit. Georgetown: National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health, Georgetown University. See:

University of Pittsburgh, Department of Psychiatry - "Assessment Tools Developed by Department Faculty" - Several research assessment instruments have been developed and validated by researchers in the Department of Psychiatry. As a service to students, residents, post-doctoral fellows, and academic researchers, access based on the permitted usage guidelines for each instrument is provided via this web page. e.g. KSADS-PL

University of California, Berkeley, The Greater Good Science Center - Several quizzes with practical tips for cultivating positive emotions and stronger relationships (altruism, gratitude, EQ, etc.) .

ALL THE TESTS – A collection of Internet tests in more than 20 different categories -  Fun, Personality, IQ tests, Love and Relationship, Quizzes, Fan Tests., Career. These are “fun”, self-knowledge type tests.

iVillage – collection of pop, “fun”, health , relationship and life style quizzes

Psychometric Success published an article regarding psychometric tests. This article, analyzed the core values of psychometric tests, why employers use this test, requirements, how to pass psychometric tests, etc. Guide: