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Video and audio: York researchers on coffee wars, security threats, and conflict in the Congo

Alan Middleton, professor of marketing in the Schulich School of Business, appeared on BNN on March 10 to talk about Tim Hortons’ and McDonald’s branding struggle to own the branding market.

McDonald’s is giving away free coffee, while Tim Hortons’ Roll Up The Rim To Win campaign is in full throttle. Which company is winning the coffee war? What does it bring to the bottom line? And, which brand tastes better?

The 8-minute clip is available on BNN’s Web site.

Robert Latham, associate professor of Political Science and director of York’s Centre for International & Security Studies, and Qasim Farah, a York graduate student in the Faculty of Environmental Studies, spoke about the possible recruiting of young Canadian Somalis by Al Shahab, an organization that has been added to the government’s list of terrorist organizations, on CBC Radio’s “The Current” March 10. The audio clip is available on CBC’s Web site.

Barbo Ciakudia, an international studies student at Glendon College and an organizer of York University’s How Much Do You Know About the D. R. Congo? conference, was interviewed on Metro Morning about the relationship between coltan, a metallic ore used to manufacture electronics, such as cell phones and computers, and the Congo’s decades-long conflict. Both the interview and the conference took place on March 11. The segment runs over seven minutes and is available on CBC’s “Metro Morning” Web site.

Posted by Elizabeth Monier-Williams, research communications officer, with files courtesy of YFile – York University’s daily e-bulletin.