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Professor Laurence Packer to discuss declining bee population in Burlington today

On June 21, Laurence Packer of York’s Faculty of Science & Engineering will discuss what has become a crisis in agriculture – the rapid disappearance of bees, wrote June 17:

Packer will present findings outlined in his new book Keeping the Bees, which grew out of the Canadian pollination research initiative spearheaded by the biology professor.

Packer has charted the movement of more than 800 species of bees in North America and identified an alarming decline in their population, causing enormous deficits in pollen transfer and affecting our food supply and ecosphere.

The lecture, presented by A Different Drummer Books, begins at 7pm at Burlington Central Library, 2331 New St. Tickets cost $10 and may be purchased at the library or at A Different Drummer Books, 513 Locust St.

Republished courtesy of YFile– York University’s daily e-bulletin.