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Conference on Friday will examine law and ethics in investigative journalism

Leading investigative journalists, media lawyers and academics from Canada, the US and the UK will gather at Osgoode Hall Law School at York University on Friday, Oct. 14, for a day-long, original program dealing with such hot topics as freedom of the press, defamation law, media accountability, confidentiality of sources and access to information.

The conference, titled “In the Public Interest: The Law and Ethics of Investigative Journalism”, is hosted by the Law Commission of Ontario (LCO), Osgoode Hall Law School and York University. Key sponsor is Torstar Corporation and the conference is also supported by the LCO and Osgoode, as well as the Ontario Press Council, Blake Cassels and Graydon LLP and the Harry Arthurs Collaborative Grant.

The conference program, which is available here, will involve high profile reporters and editors from a number of media outlets including CBC Radio and TV, The Globe and Mail, the Toronto Star and The Wall Street Journal as well as prominent media lawyers such as Mark Stephens, a partner with Finers Stephens Innocent LLP (UK), and Mark Jackson, the executive vice-president & general counsel with Dow Jones & Co. In addition, several journalism school chairs, academics and public officials such as the City of Vaughan’s Integrity Commissioner will join the discussion.

Click here to view a live webcast of the conference proceedings.

Republished courtesy of YFile– York University’s daily e-bulletin.