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Author of winning FES Reads! book comes to York

In the fall, the York community discussed and debated the political relevance and literary qualities of Michael Crummey’s Galore as the winning book in FES Reads! Next Tuesday, the author will read and discuss his own book.

Galore and Beyond: A Reading and Discussion will take place Feb. 14, from 12:45 to 2pm, at 140 Health, Nursing & Environmental Studies Building, Keele campus. The event is hosted by York’s Faculty of Environmental Studies (FES).

A discussion of Galore at the FES Reads! event

A novelist, poet and short-story author, Crummey will also read from his latest works of poetry. In addition to Galore (Random House, 2009), a family saga and love story spanning two centuries in remote and isolated rural Newfoundland, he is the author of the novels The Wreckage (2005) and River Thieves (2000). Crummey’s poetry collections include Went With (2007) and Emergency Roadside Assistance (2001).

He won the inaugural Bronwen Wallace Award for Poetry and the Writer’s Alliance of Newfoundland and Labrador Book Award for Poetry. Having grown up in Newfoundland mining towns, much of Crummey’s work takes in the characters, nuances and essence of his birth place. Galore begins in Paradise Deep, on the coast of Newfoundland, as the body of a man is sliced from the belly of a beached whale.

At FES Reads! Part II, a collective discussion about Galore was led by FES Professors Gail Fraser, Tim Leduc and Cate Sandilands. They were interested in people’s personal responses to the book, how the novel spoke to them, if it did, and how might it shine new light on their work in FES.

For more information, visit the FES website.

Republished courtesy of YFile– York University’s daily e-bulletin.