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Fermilab names Nigel Lockyer as new director

Nigel Lockyer (BSc ’75)

York University alumnus and physicist Nigel Lockyer (BSc. Spec. Hons. ’75), has been appointed the new director of the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, Illinois, reported, The New York Times , The Wall Street Journal and others June 21. In September he will move from his post as director of TRIUMF, Canada’s national laboratory for particle and nuclear physics in Vancouver. Lockyer spent many years working on Fermilab’s Tevatron, and earned renown for measuring the lifetime of the bottom quark. Under his lead, TRIUMF built new experiments and international agreements, worked to produce better medical isotope supplies, and developed a commercialization arm, Advanced Applied Physics Solutions. Nature spoke with him about Fermilab’s future focus on a large neutrino experiment. Read full story.