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New Article Alert!

Unveiling malicious DNS behavior profiling and generating benchmark dataset through application layer traffic analysis

Elevating Cybersecurity Vigilance: Understanding Cybersecurity Series (UCS)

EIT Digital, Summer School, Europe (July 2024) Elevating Cybersecurity Vigilance: Understanding Cybersecurity Series (UCS) for Fintech and Digital Finance As part of our Understanding Cybersecurity Series (UCS) knowledge mobilization project, this summer, I delivered cybersecurity workshops on digital finance and fintech at the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT Digital) summer school, which hosts […]

Elevating Cybersecurity Vigilance: Understanding Cybersecurity Series (UCS)

Aviva Canada, Global Corporate, Muskoka, ON, Canada (May 2024) Cybersecurity for All: Misinformation, Disinformation, and Malinformation (MDM) Elevate your cybersecurity awareness with our Understanding Cybersecurity (UCS) seminar series. Designed for students, researchers, and Developers, UCS provides essential knowledge and skills to tackle cyber threats effectively. Join us and boost your cybersecurity vigilance! Delivering another seminar from our […]

York research collaboration to improve cybersecurity threat detection, mitigation

Advancing Leadership in Cybersecurity York University’s Behaviour-Centric Cybersecurity Center (BCCC) is advancing leadership in cybersecurity by collaborating with cPacket – a network monitoring company – to tackle a major cybercrime threat. Join us on a journey of navigating the intricate landscape of cybersecurity, where empowerment takes center A significant challenge in cybercrime is a distributed […]

New Dataset Alert! (BCCC-cPacket-Cloud-DDoS-2024)

BCCC-cPacket-Cloud-DDoS-2024 We released the 'BCCC-cPacket-Cloud-DDoS-2024' dataset collaboratively with cPacket from the States to address challenges identified in previous datasets through a cloud infrastructure. The dataset contains over eight benign user activities and 17 DDoS attack scenarios. The dataset is fully labeled (with a total of 26 labels) with over 300 features extracted from the network […]

New Analyzer Alert! (NTLFlowLyzer)

Network and Transportation Layers Flow Analyzer (NTLFlowLyzer) We released the first version of NTLFlowLyzer tool as a Python open-source project to extract Network and Transportation layers features from network traffic for Anomaly Profiling (AP).

New Analyzer Alert! (BUP)

Benign User Profiler (BUP) We released the first version of Benign User Profiler (BUP) tool for generating network traffic based on the benign user behavior to create the background traffic for anomaly detection research project on network security.

New Article Alert!

Toward Generating a New Cloud-Based Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Dataset and Cloud Intrusion Traffic Characterization.

New Analyzer Alert! (SCsVulLyzer-V1.0)

The Smart Contracts Vulnerability Analyzer (SCsVulLyzer) is a Python-based tool designed to analyze and extract key metrics from Ethereum smart contracts written in Solidity. It employs a suite of functions to dissect the contract's source code, compiling it to obtain its abstract syntax tree (AST), bytecode, and opcodes. The analyzer calculates entropy of the bytecode […]

New Dataset Alert! (BCCC-VulSCs-2023)

BCCC-VulSCs-2023 We released the 'BCCC-VulSCs-2023' dataset to analyze the secure and vulnerable Smart Contracts. The BCCC-VulSCs-2023 dataset is a substantial collection for Solidity Smart Contracts (SCs) analysis, comprising 36,670 samples, each enriched with 70 feature columns.  Dataset: BCCC-VulSCs-2023