- Résilience et immigration à L'échelle du quartier
- The Role of Churches in the Resilience Process of the Haitian Asylum Seekers and Syrian refugees
- Villes sanctuaires au Canada: pratiques, besoins et politiques
- Femmes et feminismes en dialogue: La recherche mediation vecteur de solidarites internationales
- Documenter l'initiative "Vivons nos quartiers": vers des quartiers inclusifs et accueillants pour les personnes réfugiées et immigrantes -Phase 2
- Sounding Different, but Still Equal? Assessing Discrimination against “Audible Minorities” in Urban and non-Urban Settings in Quebec and Ontario
- Analysis of governance structures and policy discourses shaping migration and resilience
- Resilience and International Student Mobility: The Impact of Institutional Factors on Recruitment, Retention and Pathways to Permanent Status
- Building resilience via family reunification for newly arrived refugees in Ottawa
- The role of neighbourhood context in shaping migrant resilience: a comparative study of four neighbourhoods in Ottawa-Gatineau
- Refugee families and building resilience in a second-tier city of Quebec: The resettlement experiences of Syrian refugees in Gatineau
- The perspectives of government officials on migration and resilience: a comparative examination of Canada's federal, provincial and municipal governments
- Critical Examination of Settlement Sector Discourses and Practices of Resilience: A Comparative Study of Three Ontario Cities
- More than Numbers: Labour Market Experiences and Immigrant Resilience in the interprovincial and bilingual context of Ottawa-Gatineau, Canada's National Capital Region
- Resiliency of employers and migrants: Evaluating change in industrial sector employment
- The Praxis of Migrant Transformative resilience: understanding how collective action among immigrant communities impact resilience and system change
- Separate and Unequal? A study of the aging of immigrant and Canadian-born older adults across different urban forms
- Exploring Resiliency Among International Students
- The Future of the Settlement Sector
- Migrant Resilience in the Context of Transitions in Immigration Status
- Migration and Resilience in Urban Canada: Discovering Strengths and Building Capacity
- It Takes a Village: Building Resilience by Connecting International Students to the Broader Community
- Understanding the Context of Resiliency of Older Immigrant Entrepreneurs
- Brazilian Canadian Brain Circulation
- Fostering inclusive workplaces, resilient communities and protecting migrant rights in Canada’s Emerging Cannabis Industry
- Examining Career Resilience and Workplace EDI Perceptions of Post-secondary Student Alumni
- Migration and Resilience in York Region: Supporting flexible information access across multiple communities
- Exploring individual level resilience: Unpacking individual, institutional, and social forces in building migrant resilience
- Stalled Mobility? Income Inequality and Inter-generational Relationships Among Newcomer South Asian and Chinese Households in York Region
- Resiliency of Employers and Migrants York Region