The project “Migration and Resilience in Urban Canada: Discovering Strengths and Building Capacity” focused on understanding if and how migrant resiliency is affected by characteristics of a community. As a partner of this project, our research team from the University of Windsor, Odette Business School, focused on migrant resiliency in the City of Windsor. Migrants in the city of Windsor can be divided into two categories: Temporary migrants and Permanent migrants. International students who have been issued a study permit to engage in studies in Canadian educational institutions fall under the temporary migrant status. On the other hand, a permanent migrant or resident is a person who has been granted authorization to live and work in Canada without any time restrictions.
- Aim 1: The first part of the research project focused on assessing the criteria used by the University of Windsor to determine the eligibility of foreign nationals to study in Canada and comparing it with the eligibility criteria used by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship, Canada, to determine the eligibility of foreign nationals to immigrate to Canada.
- Aim 2: Investigated and analyzed the criteria used by Department of Immigration and Citizenship, Canada, to determine the eligibility of foreign nationals who wish to immigrate to Canada.
- Aim 3: Comparison of the eligibility criteria used by the University as well as the Department of Immigration and Citizenship, Canada.
Principal Investigators:
- F. Schlosser
Community Partners:
- Reza Shahbazi New Canadians' Centre of Excellence