Journal Articles
- Gauvin, Jean-Philippe and Antoine Bilodeau. « Suis-je quand même crédible? Le rôle de l’accent et de la couleur de la peau dans l’évaluation de la crédibilité des experts en politique publique », Recherches sociographiques, to be submitted.
- D’Souza, Jayesh, Valerie Preston, and John Shields. (2024). ‘Transforming Settlement and Integration Services During a Pandemic’, International Migration.
- Lairos, L., Bhuyan, R., Schmidt, C., Bergen, H., (In press). The Structural Violence of Everyday Bordering: Legal and Bureaucratic Exclusions for Immigrants with Precarious Status in Canada. International Journal of Migration and Border Studies. Accepted February 26, 2023.
- Bhuyan, R., Sarma, M., Azad, A.K. and Bordoloi, A. (In press). De facto statelessness through Administrative Violence: An intersectional analysis of bordering through the National Registry of Citizens in Assam, India. International Journal of Migration and Border Studies. Accepted February 26, 2023.
- Zikic J. & Voloshyna, V. (in press). Untangling space and career action: Migrant career recontextualization in the host city. Academy of Management Discoveries. Publication Ranking: A*
- Bhuyan, R. Chime, T. Bobadilla, A., Alam, A., Jahangir, S., Dolma, R. (Under Review). “Transformative Resilience through Migrant Led Collective Action.”
- Paquet, Mireille, Adèle Garnier, Luna Vives and Élora Ladouceur-Bussière. [Forthcoming]. “Canada’s permanent residence policy for refugee claimants working in the healthcare sector during the pandemic: A crisis-led policy innovation.” Migration Policy Practice, International Organization for Immigration.
- Christina Gabriel and Luisa Veronis. "Cosmopolitan Paradox? The Labour Market Experiences of Newcomer Skilled Workers” Cosmopolitan Civil Societies [revised submission under review].
- Sultana, N., Rothwell, D., and Hanley, J. (Revised and resubmitted). The Prevalence of Asset Poverty among Immigrants in Canada (IJSW-2513-OA). The International Journal of Social Welfare.
- Hanley, J., Hassan, M., Al Mhamied, A., Guruge, S., Hajjar, O., Hynie, M., Jamil, R., *Razavipour, E. (forthcoming). Resettlement of Older Syrian Refugees in Canada: Key Individual Factors of Social Inclusion. Refuge.
- John Shields, Meghan Joy and Siu Mee Cheng, “The Limits of Community Nonprofit Sector Resilience: Evidence from Canadian Nonprofit Sector Surveys During the Pandemic”, Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research/Revue canadienne de recherche sur les OBSL et l’économie sociale, Vol. 15, No. 1, 2024, 1-21:
- Walton-Roberts, M., (2023) “The future of health care work and the place of migrant workers within it: Internationally Educated Nurses in Ontario Canada during the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Journal of Immigration and Refugee Studies\.
- D’Souza, Jayesh (2023) ‘Migration and Community Resilience: An Analysis With Best Evidence Synthesis’, Sociological Inquiry (under review).
- Paquet, M. and Joy, M. 2022. “Canadian Sanctuary Policies in Context.” Canadian Public Administration 1–18.
- Dauphin, A. & Veronis, L. The role of the type of sponsorship in the resettlement trajectories of refugees: the case of Syrians in Quebec. International Migration Review (reviews received March 2022, revised article submitted June 2022; more reviews received Oct 2022: major revisions; revised article submitted Jan 2023).
- Dauphin, A. et L. Veronis (2023). The role of private sponsorship on refugee resettlement outcomes: A mixed-method study of Syrians in a mid-sized city of Quebec, Canada.
- Dauphin, A. (2023). « Le rôle du contexte local sur les trajectoires de francisation des nouveaux arrivants ». Soumis à Refuge, la revue canadienne sur les réfugiés, numéro spécial Refugee experiences of integration in Canadian small communities.
- Preston, V., S. McLafferty, and M. Maciejewska (2023). Regionalization and Recent Immigrants’ Access to Jobs: An Analysis of Commuting in Canadian Metropolitan Areas, Geoforum, 144.
- Kwak, M.J., Kwon, E., Lo, L. & Jung, G. 2023. Transculturality, Anti-Asian Racism and Student Mobility: A Case Study of Chinese International Student Experiences during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Sociological Inquiry. First published 18 October 2023.
- Li, W., Lo, L. and Lu, Y. (co-editors). 2023. Special Issue: The Intellectual Migration Analytics: Moving between China and North America. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. First published 1 November 2023.
- Li, W., Lo, L. & Lu, Y. 2023. The intellectual migration analytics. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. First published 1 November 2023. DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2023.2270314
- Lo, L., Li, W. & Tan, Y. 2023. Students on the move? Intellectual migration and international student mobility. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. First published 1 November 2023. DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2023.2270331
- Tan, Y., Lo, L., Li, W. & Pang, G. 2023. Intellectual capital and student mobility. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. First published 1 November 2023. DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2023.2270332
- Lu, Z., Lu, Y., Lo, L., Zhu, H. & Jean, J. 2023. International students in China: Regional distribution and macro-influencing factors. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. First published 1 November 2023. DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2023.2270340
- Al Mhamied, A., Bogossian, A., & Hanley, J. (2023). Fathering Here, Fathering There… A Phenomenological Study of the Impact of Forced Migration and Resettlement on Syrian Refugee Fathers in Canada. The Journal of Men’s Studies, 10608265231181789
- Brotman, S., *Simard, J., Hanley, J., Raymond, É., & Delgado, P. (2023). Les personnes âgées immigrantes et leurs proches à Montréal: des vies oubliées durant la pandémie. Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue canadienne du vieillissement, 42(1), 177-183.
- Schmidt, C., Bergen, H., Hajjar, O., Larios, L., Nakache5, D., Bhuyan, R., & Hanley, J. (2023). Navigating bureaucratic violence in Canada’s two-step immigration system. Journal of ethnic and migration studies, 1-2.
- Gabriel, C. & Veronis, L. 2023. Cosmopolitan Paradox? The labour market experiences of newcomer skilled workers. Cosmopolitan Civil Societies.
- Hennebry, J., Piper, N., KC, H., & Williams, K. (2022). Bilateral Labor Agreements as Migration Governance Tools: An Analysis from a Gender Lens. Theoretical Inquiries in Law, vol. 23(2): 184-204.
- Finn, M., Williams, K, & Momani, B. (2022). Political Participation Among Canadian Arab Youth. Journal of Youth Studies.
- Alrob, Z. A., & Shields, J. (2022). A COVID-19 State of Exception and the Bordering of Canada’s Immigration System: Assessing the Uneven Impacts on Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Migrant Workers. Studies in Social Justice, 16(1), 54-77.
- Bhuyan, R. and Leung, V.* (2022). Framing Migrant Resilience as a Civic Responsibility: A Case Study of Municipal and Provincial Immigrant Integration Policies in Toronto, Ontario. British Journal of Social Work. 52(2), 796-815.
- Wu, X. & Veronis, L. (2022). English-Speaking International Students’ Perceptions and Experiences in a Bilingual University: A Geographical Approach to Linguistic Capital. The Canadian Geographer/ Le Géographe Canadien.
- Shields, J. 2022. L’immigration à l’ombre de la pandémie Entrevue avec John Shields”(Immigration in the shadow of the pandemic, Interview with John Shields, Interviewed by Pierre Beadet). Nouveaux Cahiers du socialisme – LE DÉFI DE L'IMMIGRATION AU QUÉBEC : DIGNITÉ, SOLIDARITÉ ET RÉSISTANCE, No 27, 56-59.
- Preston, V. (2022). ‘Gender, Immigration and Commuting in Canadian Metropolitan Areas,’ with S. McLafferty and M. Maciejewska, Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie,348-364. (55%)
- Goudet, Anna, and Catherine Paquette. (2022) "Quand la «voix» des nouveaux· elles arrivant· e· s est exprimée et entendue grâce à la photographie: réflexions sur la méthode de recherche «Photovoice»." Nouvelle Revue Synergies Canada 15: 1-13.
- Mandell, N., Phonepraseuth, J., Borras, J., & Lam, L. (2022). South Asian and Chinese International Students in Canada: The Role of Social Connections in their Settlement and Integration. Comparative & International Education, 51 (1), 75-91.
- Salamanca Cardona, M., Cleveland, J., & Hanley, J. (2022). Asylum seekers and other precarious immigrants on the frontlines of the pandemic: work experiences, resilience, resistance and social contributions. Alterstice-Revue Internationale de la Recherche Interculturelle, 11(2), 11-26.
- Ghosh, Sutama, Pruneah M. Kim, Raymond M. Garrison, and Sohail Shahidnia. "Multiple food vulnerabilities of international students from India in Greater Toronto Area colleges: A pilot study." The Canadian Geographer/Le Géographe canadien 66, no. 3 (2022): 569-580.
- Shields, J., & Abu Alrob, Z. (2021). The Political Economy of a Modern Pandemic: Assessing Impacts of COVID-19 on Migrants and Immigrants in Canada. Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research, 32(1).
- Lenard, Patti Tamara. (2021). ‘Refugee sponsorship and family reunification; (with Stéfanie Morris and Stacey Haugen), Journal of Refugee Studies, 34/1, pp. 130-148.
- Schlosser, F., Lam, D., Kerr, G. (2021). Intelligent careers of a resilient mobile workforce: Edu-immigrants. International Migration. DOI: 10.1111/imig.12852.
- Preston, V., Shields, J., & Akbar, M. (2021). Migration and resilience in urban canada: Why social resilience, Why now?. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 1-21.
- Preston, V. (2021). ‘Entrepreneurial activities of Canadian Bangladeshi women in Toronto: a family perspective,’ With M. Akbar, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 1-20. (45%)
- Li, W., Lo, L., Lu, Y., Tan, Y., Lu, Z. 2021. Intellectual Migration: Considering China. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 47(12): 2020, DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2020.1739393)
- Dauphin, A. & L. Veronis. 2020. Expériences de réinstallation des réfugiés syriens à Gatineau, au Québec. Revue européenne des migrations internationales, 36(2 & 3): 185-209.
- Désilets, G., & Goudet, A. (2019). La mise en œuvre des politiques d’accueil des migrants à l’échelle des quartiers montréalais: l’étude de l’initiative Vivons nos quartiers. Lien social et Politiques, (83), 230-248.
- Hynie, M., McGrath, S., Bridekirk, J., Oda, A., Ives, N., Hyndman, J., Arya, N., Shakya, Y.B., Hanley, J., McKenzie, K. et SyRIA.lth. (2019). What Role Does Type of Sponsorship Play in Early Integration Outcomes? Syrian Refugees Resettled in Six Canadian Cities. Refuge 35(2):36-52.
- Shields, J. 2018. “Settling Immigrants in Neoliberal Times: NGOs and Immigrant Well-being in Comparative Context” (with Karla Angélica Valenzuela Moreno and Julie Drolet). Social Inequality and the Spectre of Social Justice – Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research 29 (2018):65-89.
- Hanley, J., Al Mhamied, A., Cleveland, J., Hajjar, O., Hassan, G., Ives, N., Khyar, R., Hynie, M. (2018). The Social Networks, Social Support and Social Capital of Syrian Refugees Sponsored to Settle in Montreal: Indications from their early experiences of integration. Canadian Ethnic Studies 50(2): 123-149.
- Hanley, J., Salamanca Cardona, Larios, Henaway, Dwaikat Shaer, Ben Soltane, Eid. (2018). Transportation and Temp Agency Work: Risks and Opportunities for Migrant Workers. Cahiers du géographie québécois 62(177):1-14.
- Shields, J. 2017. “Settling on Austerity: ISAs, Immigrant Communities and Neoliberal Restructuring” (with Sophia Lowe and Ted Richmond). Austerity Urbanism and the Social Economy -- Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research 28 (2017): 14-46.
Book Chapters
- Lenard, Patti Tamara. (Forthcoming). ‘Family reunification: A social resilience approach to integration’ (with Stéfanie Morris), accepted for inclusion in N. Sultana, J. Shields and V. Preston (eds.) Resilience and Integrating International Migrants in Canada, McGill Queen’s University Press
- Heller, A., Rajan, I. S. and Walton-Roberts, M. (Forthcoming) “International Student Mobility: New and Emerging Patterns in Medical Education in the Global South” In New Directions in South-South Migration Edited by Abel Chikanda, Jonathan Crush and Sujata Ramachandran Springer.
- Gabriel, C., Ghosh, S., Schlosser, F., Veronis, L., and Walton-Roberts, M., (Forthcoming) “Supporting International Student Resilience throughout the Migrant Journey.” In Building Migrant Resilience in Cities. Editors Preston, V., Shields, J and Bedard, T., McGill University Press.
- Veronis, L., Palmerin, D., Walton-Roberts, M., and Mesana, V., (Forthcoming) “Comparative analysis of municipal policy discourses on immigration and resilience: Uncovering actually existing resilience(s) in context” In Building Migrant Resilience in Cities. Editors Preston, V., Shields, J and Bedard, T., McGill University Press.
- C. Gabriel, F. Schlosser, S. Ghosh, M. Walton-Roberts, L. Alfieri-Sladen.“Universities and colleges: Supporting student resilience" In International Migration and Social Resilience: Individual and Collective Resistance. Valerie Preston, John Shields, Tara Bedard eds [submitted and accepted; contract McGill-Queens].
- Christina Gabriel, and Muna Osman, OLIP “Does One Size Fit All? Public Policy Responses to COVID-19” in International Migration and Social Resilience in Canadian Cities: Places, Institutions and Policies. Valerie Preston, John Shields, Tara Bedard eds., [submitted and accepted; contract McGill-Queens].
- Zikic, J. & Voloshyna, V. (In press). Skilled migrant resilience in the new city: The role of boundary objects in migrant careers. In V. Preston, J. Shields, & T. Bedard (Eds.). Resilience and integrating international migrants in cities in Canada. BMRC.
- Veronis, L., Walker, R. & Dauphin A., in collaboration with Florina Gaborean. How do neighborhood spaces influence the resilience of newcomer families? A comparative study of three super-diverse neighborhoods in Ottawa-Gatineau. In Valerie Preston et al. (eds.) BMRC book. (revised chapter submitted March 2022).
- Preston, V. (2024). ‘Introducing a Resilience Approach to Migrant Integration in Canadian Cities: Policies, Places, and Institutions,’ with J. Shields, T. Bedard, and N. Sultana, International Migration and Social Resilience in Canadian Cities: Policies, Places, and Institutions. With T. Bedard and J. Shields (Eds.), manuscript under review by McGill-Queens University Press.
- Preston, V. (2024). ‘Migrant Resilience, Advocacy, and the Settlement Sector: Lessons for the Future,’ with John Shields, Tara Bedard, Lisa Alfieri-Sladen, Henry Akanko, Mary Ellen Bernard, Noor Din, Vera Dodic, Prince Sibanda, and Stephan Reichhold, International Migration and Social Resilience in Canadian Cities: Policies, Places, and Institutions. With T. Bedard and J. Shields (Eds.), manuscript under review by McGill-Queens University Press.
- Preston, V. (2024). ‘Gender, Immigration, Essential Work and Resilience,’ with M. Akbar, International Migration and Social Resilience in Canadian Cities: Individual and Collective Resistance. With T. Bedard and J. Shields (Eds.), manuscript under review by McGill-Queens University Press. (65%)
- Preston, V. (2024). ‘Introducing International Migrants, Resistance, and Social Resilience,’ with J. Shields and T. Bedard, International Migration and Social Resilience in Canadian Cities: Individual and Collective Resistance. With T. Bedard and J. Shields (Eds.), manuscript under review by McGill-Queens University Press.
- Preston, V. (2024). ‘Social Resilience and Settlement Agencies Responding to a Crisis, ‘’ with J. Shields and M. Akbar, International Migration and Social Resilience in Canadian Cities: Policies, Places, and Institutions . With T. Bedard and J. Shields (Eds.), manuscript under review by McGill-Queens University Press. (40%)
- Preston, V. (2024). ‘Looking at the Numbers: International Students Transitioning to Permanent Residency,’ with M. Akbar, chapter accepted for International Students in Canada, M. Walton-Roberts (ed.), University of British Columbia Press. (30%)
- Paquet, Mireille, John Shields, Meghan Joy, Idil Atak and Graham Hudson. “Municipal “Sanctuary” Policies in Canada: A View from Immigrant Serving Associations”. in Valerie Preston and John Shields, ed. Resilience and Integrating International Migrants in Cities in Canada. Mcgill Queen’s University Press.
- Sultana, N., & Hanley, J. & Schlosser, F. (forthcoming). Immigrant families’ capacity to weather a financial storm: Racial disparities in economic resilience. In V. Preston, J. Shields, and T. Bedard (Eds.), Resilience and Settling International Migrants in Cities. McGill-Queen University Press. Vol 2
- Mandell, N., Borras, J., Phonepraseuth, J. & Lam, L., University-To-Work Transition: Experiences of Chinese and South Asian International Students. In Leaving to Learn: Mapping the Place of Resilience in the Journeys of International Students to Canada, edited by S. Ghosh, L. Veronis and M. Walton-Roberts. UBC Press, forthcoming.
- Mandell, N., Phonepraseuth, J., Borras, J., Lam, L. Gazso, A., & Man, G. The Role of Families in the Settlement and Integration of Newcomers to Canada. In Resilience and Integrating International Migrants in Cities in Canada, edited by V. Preston, J. Shields and T. Bedard. McGill-Queens University Press, forthcoming.
- Ives, N., Plamondon Turcotte, M., Hanley, J., Cleveland, J., & Salamanca Cardona, M (Accepted). The importance of language skills and Francisation to asylum seekers in Quebec: A holistic integration understanding. Dans: Eds. Preston, V., Shields, J., Bedard, T. Resilience and Integrating International Migrants in Cities in Canada. Montreal: McGill-Queens Press
- Razavipour, E., and Hanley, J. (Accepted). The Issue of Gender in the Migration of Iranian International Students: Motivations for leaving, experiences after arrival in Canada. In S. Ghosh, L. Veronis & M. Walton-Roberts (Eds.), Leaving to Learn: Mapping the place of resilience in the journeys of international students to Canada. UBC Press.
- Schlosser, F., Kerr, G., Carvalho, M., McPhee, D. (Forthcoming). Building an Ecosystem to sustain Canadian Farm Businesses. In W. Cukier (Ed.), Immigrants Entrepreneurship in Canada Challenge and Opportunities. Palgrave MacMillan EDI Series.
- Kerr, G., Schlosser, F., Suntres, T. (Forthcoming). Understanding the Context of Resiliency of Recent Older Immigrant Entrepreneurs. In W. Cukier (Ed.), Immigrants Entrepreneurship in Canada Challenge and Opportunities. Palgrave MacMillan EDI Series.
- Preston, Valerie, and John Shields. 2024. “The Municipal Role in Immigration and Settlement: Contradictions and Challenges”. In Gabriel Eidelman, Kass Forman, Enid Slack, eds. The Municipal Role in Immigration: The Who Does What Series. Institute on Municipal Finance and Governance (IMFG), School of Cities, University of Toronto. (Open access)
- Azevedo, M. C.(2023).Preventing brain drain: A sustainable perspective ofglobal talent management. In F. Schlosser & D. M. McPhee (Eds.),Global talent management during times of uncertainty(pp. 109-122). Bingley/UK: EmeraldPublishing
- Walton-Roberts, M., (2023) “Migration and the health and care sector” Handbook of Immigration and Refugee Studies. Edited by Anna Triandafyllidou Abingdon: Routledge 201-210.
- Shirkhodaee, A., and Walton-Roberts, M. (2023) ‘Gender’. Encyclopedia of Human Geography, edited by D. Demeritt and L. Lees. Edward Elgar. 163-168.
- Amber-Judge, N., and Walton-Roberts, M. (2023) “Shifting gender and power relations in marriage migration practices: The north India-Canada case.” Handbook of Migration and Family, edited by J. Waters and B. Yeoh. Edward Elgar Publishing 33-50.
- Sultana, N., Hanley, J., Schlosser, F. (Forthcoming, 2023). Immigrant Families’ Capacity to Weather a Financial Storm: Racial Disparities in Economic Resilience. In V. Preston, J. Shields, T. Bedard (Eds.), International Migration and Social Resilience: Individual and Collective Resistance. McGill-Queens University Press.
- Chan, P.K.T., Schlosser, F., Kerr, G. (Forthcoming, 2023). Diversity, Legal Representation and Resilience. In V. Preston, J. Shields, T. Bedard (Eds.), International Migration and Social Resilience in Canadian Cities: Places, Institutions and Policies. McGill-Queens University Press.
- Schlosser, F., Brykman, K., Kerr, G., Shahbazi, R. (Forthcoming, 2023). How Canadian Immigrant Entrepreneurs developed Resilient Businesses during the COVID-19 Pandemic. In V. Preston, J. Shields, T. Bedard (Eds.), International Migration and Social Resilience in Canadian Cities: Places, Institutions and Policies. McGill-Queens University Press.
- Veres, J., Schlosser, F. & Shahbazi, R. (Forthcoming, 2023). Navigational Challenges for International Students on the Journey to Resiliency and Residency. In S. Ghosh, L. Veronis, M. Walton-Roberts (Ed.) Leaving to Learn: Mapping the place of resilience in the journeys of international students to Canada, University of British Columbia Press.
- Baez Abreu, A. & Schlosser, F. (Forthcoming, 2023). Newcomer Youth and Resilience: Impacts of Drama Education. In S. Ghosh, L. Veronis, M. Walton-Roberts (Ed.) Leaving to Learn: Mapping the place of resilience in the journeys of international students to Canada, University of British Columbia Press.
- Veronis, L., R. Walker et A. Dauphin avec la collaboration de F. Gaborean (2023) « How do neighborhood spaces influence the resilience of newcomer families? A comparative study of three neighborhoods in Ottawa-Gatineau ». Dans International Migration and Social Resilience in Canadian Cities, Policies, Institutions, and Places, Volume 1, sous la direction de V. Preston, J. Shields, T. Bedard, McGill Queen's University Press. (En évaluation)
- Kwak, MJ., Lo, L., Pang, G. & Wang, Y. 2023. Between intellectual gateway and intellectual periphery: Chinese international student experiences. Chapter 7 in Kim, A.H, Buckner, E. & Monstion, J.M. (eds.), International Students from Asia in Canadian Universities: Institutional Challenges at the Intersection of Internationalization, Inclusion, and Racialization. Routledge. (first published online August 2023,
- Dauphin, A. avec la collaboration de S. Shoubaky, A. Benarbia, J. Lauzon Boucher, F. Gaborean et O. Malouf (2023). « Regards croisés des intervenants et des réfugiés sur la réinstallation des réfugiés syriens à Gatineau au Québec ». Dans International Migration and Social Resilience in Canadian Cities, Policies, Institutions, and Places, Volume 1, sous la direction de V. Preston, J. Shields, T. Bedard, McGill Queen's University Press. (En évaluation)
- Tesfai, A., Hynie, M., Karim, R., Kilicaslan, G., Ekmekcioglu, C., & Taylor, P. (2022). Social trust among refugees: Using a human rights lens to understand refugee experiences. In F. M. Moghaddam & M. J. Hendricks (Eds.), Contemporary immigration: Psychological perspectives to address challenges and inform solutions (pp. 243–261). American Psychological Association.
- Paquet, M., Benoit, N., Atak, I., Joy. M., Hudson, G., and Shields, J. 2022. “Sanctuary Cities and COVID-19: The Case of Canada.” In Triandafyllidou, A. Ed. Migration and Pandemics: Spaces of Solidarity and Spaces of Exception. Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland AG. 85-102.
- Garborean, F. & Veronis, L. (2022). « Ensemble ! » Politique en matière de diversité culturelle de la Ville de Gatineau (187-216). In Bob White and Jorge Frozinni (eds.), Villes interculturelles au Québec : pratique d’inclusion en contexte pluriethnique. Montréal: Presses de l'Université du Québec.
- Veronis, L., Walker, R., & Dauphin, A. 2022. Les expériences des familles immigrantes dans des quartiers «super-divers» d’Ottawa-Gatineau : nouvelles dynamiques et tensions sociospatiales entre inclusion et exclusion (197-229). In Guy Chiasson et Anne Gilbert (dir.). La ville inclusive. Dans les pas de Caroline Andrew. Ottawa : Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa. Collection Politique et politiques publiques.
- Paquet, Mireille. 2022. "Sanctuary cities." In Anna Triandafyllidou, ed., Routledge Handbook of Immigration and Refugee Studies. New York: Routledge, 434-443.
- Goudet, A. et A. Germain. 2022. « Accueillir les immigrants : les dynamiques de quartier à Montréal ». dans Nouvelles dynamiques de l'immigration au Québec sous la dir. de Mireille Paquet. Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal.
- Vives, L., & Williams, K. (2021). Closing the gap: official statistics on the migration on unaccompanied migrant children across the Mediterranean. Chapter 10 in Research Handbook on the Law and Politics of Migration, Dauvergne, C. (ed.): Edward Elgar Publishing, London.
- Mountz, A. & Williams, K. (2021). Derwent’s Ghost: The Haunting Silences of Geography at Harvard. Chapter 7 in A Place More Void, Kingsbury, P., and Secor, A. (eds.): University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln.
- Zikic, J. & Voloshyna, V. (2021). Skilled migrant careers: From identity struggle to organizational integration. In Bonache J., Brewster C., & Froese F. J. (Eds.). Global mobility and the management of expatriates. (pp. 204-224). Cambridge University Press.
- Charity-Ann Hannan, John Shields and Harald Bauder. 2021. “The Living Wage and the Extremely Precarious: The Case of ‘Illegalized’ Migrant Workers” in Bryan Evans, Carlo Fanelli, and Tom McDowell (ed.), Rising Up: The Fight for Living Wage Work in Canada. UBC Press, pp. 134-152.
- Lo, L., Lu, Y., Li, W., Tan, Y., Z. Lu. 2021. Youth educational mobility: the start of intellectual migration. In Cairns, D. (ed.). The Palgrave Handbook of Youth Mobility and Educational Migration, pp. 83-96. Online at since March 2021.
- Hanley, J., Lenet, J. & Gal, S. (2020). Community Practice in a Context of Precarious Immigration Status: Maximizing Power, Minimizing Risk. In S. Todd & J. Drolet (Eds.), Community Practice and Social Development in Social Work. Singapore: Springer Nature, 61-80.
- Riley Bushell and John Shields. 2019. “The Third Sector, Settlement, and Social Inclusion in Canada and Germany” (with Riley Bushell). In The Promise of Migration: A Companion to the International Metropolis Conference 2019, Ottawa, Canada, ed. Harald Bauder, 18-26. Toronto: Ryerson University Graduate Program in Immigration and Settlement Studies (ISS) in collaboration with Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), 2019.
- Li, W., Lo, L., Tan, Y. 2019. Globalization in China and studying in North America. In Wang, Huiyao and Miao, Lu (eds.), Handbook on China and Globalization, Edward Edgar Publishing, pp. 413-437.
- John Shields and Susan Barrass. 2017. “Immigration in an Age of Austerity: Morality, the Welfare State and the Shaping of the Ideal Migrant” (with Susan Barrass). In Austerity: The Lived Experience, ed. Bryan Evans and Stephen McBride, 195-221. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2017.