The research objective was to examine the story behind the numbers by considering how factors such as entry status, social and cultural capital, as well as local immigration support services intersect to promote and/or hinder the resilience of individual male and female migrants as they navigate labour markets in the unique metropolitan context of the Ottawa-Gatineau region.
What was our approach?
We conducted a qualitative study to document the experiences of recent migrants to the region. Working with our community partners, we identified 40 individuals (men and women who have arrived within the last five years) who have entered under two specific immigration pathways –economic category and family class. This group comprised 20 English-speaking and 10 French-speaking immigrants, and also included 10 entrepreneurs (English-/French-speaking). We combined semi-structured interviews with two focus groups to consider: occupational and professional work experiences; community services used/sought; the role of broader social networks and the family context. Our concern was beyond the issue of obtaining a job or documenting barriers – though these are important. Rather we wished to show how the interplay of individual decisions and choices are constrained and/or promoted by structural factors.
- Stage One (Dec. 2018 – Early 2019): Established an advisory group made up of community partners to identify (i) their priorities vis-à-vis labour market integration; (ii) current programs in place; (iii) recruitment strategy for40 participants in the study; (iv) development of semi-structured interview guide. Preparation of ethics application.
- Stage Two (Spring-Summer 2019): Recruited and interviewed 40 participants. Selection criteria: recent migrants (less than 5 years in Canada at time of recruitment for first interview), both men and women over 18 years who arrived as economic migrants or under family category, with both French and English as first official language, seeking employment services at community partners. The interview included a demographic survey for basic information relating to migrant status, gender, age, country of origin, language skills, profession, family circumstances, levels of education, etc. Research questions included: experiences with labour market integration in Canada and role of migrant category and gender; challenges/opportunities, occupational context and professional requirements; services used/sought(employment counseling, mentoring programs, occupational programs, vocational training); role of social networks; individual and household plan and strategy for short/medium/long term, gender roles & family context; individual and household expectations and aspirations, what constitutes successful integration. Additional two focus groups (1 Ottawa, 1 Gatineau) on dedicated themes with participants, where refreshments were provided. Themes were developed in collaboration with community partners. Transcriptions immediately following interviews and focus groups.
- Stage Three (Nov 2019-Winter 2021) Qualitative data analysis: thematic analysis based on constructivist and interpretive paradigms (Cloke et al. 2004). Feedback sessions with community partners after each round of data collection (interviews and then focus groups).
- Stage Four (Winter-Spring 2021) Findings dissemination starting with community outreach: townhall meeting with interview participants and community partners; presentation to local community partners; presentation to IRCC.
- Academic Conferences (2020-21): Presentations at local/national/international forums from Winter 2020 onwards, including: Canadian Ethnic Studies, Canadian Political Science Association Meetings, Canadian Association of Geographers, Metropolis, ACFAS, Association of American Geographers.
Principal Investigators:
- Christina Gabriel (
- Luisa Veronis,
- Virginie Mesana, post-doctoral researcher
Community Partners:
- Ottawa Local Immigration Partnership (OLIP);
- Hire Immigrants Ottawa;
- World Skills;
- City of Gatineau;
- Gabriel, C. & Veronis, L. 2023. Cosmopolitan Paradox? The labour market experiences of newcomer skilled workers. Cosmopolitan Civil Societies.
- Veronis, L. & Gabriel, C. (2023, March). "A social resilience perspective on newcomer skilled workers’ experiences of labour market integration: deploying gendered strategies in a pandemic context". Presentation for National Metropolis Conference 2023.
- Veronis, L. & Gabriel, C. 2023. Newcomer Skilled Workers’ Strategies for Labour Market Integration in a Pandemic Context: A Social Resilience Perspective. 25th Metropolis Canada Conference, Ottawa, March 16-18.
- Christina Gabriel and Luisa Veronis, “The Role of Gender and Language in the Ottawa-Gatineau Labour Market” Pathways to Prosperity Workshop, Online Webinar, Feb. 22, 2022.
- Gabriel, C. & Veronis, L. 2022. A social resilience perspective on newcomer skilled workers’ experiences of labour market integration: deploying gendered strategies in a pandemic context. Feminist Geography Conference, University of Colorado-Boulder, Boulder (CO), June 15-17.
- Co-organizer with Dr. Christina Gabriel (Carleton U) of a workshop on “Newcomer Labour Market Integration in Pandemic Times: New Perspectives on Gender and Language” during the Pathways to Prosperity Virtual Workshop series (online), Feb 22, 2022.