Home » Ottawa-Gatineau Students

Ottawa-Gatineau Students

Huan Wang

Huan Wang

Visiting Student Researcher in the Department of Geography, Environment and Geomatics at the University of Ottawa

Email : hwang373@uottawa.ca

Amirreza Farshchin

Amirreza Farshchin

PhD student in Geography, University of Ottawa

Email : afars083@uottawa.ca

Pauline Sarrazin

Pauline Sarrazin

Doctoral candidate in applied social sciences, UQO

Email : sarp09@uqo.ca

Cecilia Scoles

Cecilia Scoles

Master's candidate,  Department of Geography, Environment and Geomatics at University of Ottawa

Email : cscol088@uottawa.ca

Rachel Walker

Rachel Walker

Student in Anthropology, University of Ottawa

Email : rwalk095@uottawa.ca

Stéfanie Morris

Stéfanie Morris

BA in Sociocultural Anthropology from Brigham Young University

Xiaohao Wu

Xiaohao Wu

Student in Geography at University of Ottawa

Email : xwu045@uottawa.ca


Jasmine Rice

MA candidate in Bilingualism studies, Institute of Official Languages and Bilingualism, University of Ottawa

Email : jrice013@uottawa.ca


Seham Shoubaky

Candidate au baccalauréat en sciences sociales, Université du Québec en Outaouais

Email : mrci056@uqo.ca


Josee Lalonde

MA Candidate, Institute of Political Economy, Carleton

Email : joseelalonde@cmail.carleton.ca