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York University librarian develops much-needed pandemic guide for consumers

Acutely aware of the mounting need to better understand pandemics in light of COVID-19, York U librarian Marcia Salmon created an indispensable new guide for consumers. It sums up the history of pandemics, and offers descriptions of and links to leading resources like the WHO and CDC. York University is a diverse community working together […]

Grad student and alumna’s pandemic-themed play helping young audiences

An AMPD PhD student and alumna are co-producing a play about COVID-19 aimed at helping kids in Grades 5 through 8 emotionally process the pandemic. It offers young audiences the true essentials: identification, resonance and engagement (through talkback sessions) at a much-needed time. York University’s School of Arts, Media, Performance & Design (AMPD) undertakes extraordinary […]

The future of cities in the wake of the pandemic: What will change? What should change?

COVID-19 is triggering a massive rethink on urban living. Three York U experts consider the ways in which the pandemic is changing how we live together. All three underscore one thing: (in)equity must be at the heart of the analysis. In late spring 2020, the premier of Ontario, alongside the mayor of Toronto, lifted the […]

Teletherapy in the time of COVID-19: The secrets to success

A psychologist considers how online therapy during the pandemic could work best and offers some tips to encourage and support both therapist and client to be present and maintain a strong therapeutic relationship while engaging in telepsychotherapy. The lessons learned could help when face-to-face sessions are reinstated. The York University community has within it extraordinary […]

Putting things right: Indigenous wisdom applied to sustainable water governance

An Anishinaabek researcher consults with Elders and women from the Great Lakes territory, sums up the work of “a wave of Indigenous scholars” and weaves together decolonializing with Indigenous methodologies. With this, she offers some brilliant revelations that will inform future governance around the sustainability of water. York University is committed to respectful, relevant, Indigenous-formed […]

Novel research connects how different parts of the brain work together in eye-hand coordination

Distinguished Research Professor Doug Crawford sits down with Brainstorm to discuss the network of activity he and his PhD student discovered when researching how the brain perceives moving objects, how it achieves orientation and signals to the body to reach out and grab these objects. Understanding this network represents a major scientific advance. Canada Research […]