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How will COVID-19 change us as a global society? Will equity lose ground?

Four York University professors, women in diverse fields, bring unique perspectives to the table as they consider equity in the midst and aftermath of the pandemic. If society is measured on how it treats its most vulnerable, will we encounter greater disparity post-COVID-19? “Cockroach infestations, residents left to wallow in soiled diapers, COVID-19 patients allowed […]

VISTA-Lassonde team first to tackle grainy image issue with machine learning

Researchers at the Lassonde School of Engineering have made a breakthrough in tackling image noise, an undesired by-product of digital photography. This research, supported by VISTA and NSERC, could mean a profound enhancement in computer vision applications, which will be of great interest to tech companies.  Image noise in photographs captured by cameras, an […]

How a belief system, with justice in mind, ends up silencing Indigenous voices

Glendon Professor pens key article in which he argues that political theorists, basing their perspectives and world views on rationalism, turn a blind eye to Indigenous voices. This kind of thinking will be a permanent roadblock to reconciliation. Yann Allard-Tremblay, of the Huron-Wendat First Nation, wrote a seminal article in the Critical Review of International Social […]

New book on breast cancer shifts narrative away from happy survivor

Interdisciplinary scholar in the health humanities and critical social sciences, creative writer and poet Emilia Nielsen turns conventional breast cancer narratives on their head in a new book that considers the complexity of emotions, including rage, that many women feel associated with this disease.  Professor Emilia Nielsen, from the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, […]

Researcher creates practitioners’ resource that supports people with disabilities

A professor in the School of Kinesiology and Health Science led a study that looked at resources for practitioners to use while working with individuals with disabilities engaging in physical activities. She and her team built an important new tool for these practitioners. This is knowledge translation in action. Faculty of Health Professor Rebecca Bassett-Gunter led a […]

Limitless possibilities: ‘Curious Creatures’ takes VR to a whole new level

A mind-blowing project from AMPD immerses human participants in virtual reality (VR) environments where they interact with computers to, collectively, build the experience. The School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design (AMPD) at York University produces cutting edge research-creation projects that bring together seemingly disparate disciplines – art, mathematics, philosophy, music and virtual reality […]

Study predicts brain tumour response to therapy, could improve patient outcomes

A York University researcher, who led a team from U of T and Sunnybrook, undertook a study to predict whether a metastatic brain tumour would respond to radiotherapy or not. Early alterations in treatment, based on the prediction, could improve patient outcomes. For 20 to 40 per cent of patients with cancer, the disease metastasizes […]

York U Libraries creates new, globally accessible COVID-19 research guide

In an initiative spearheaded by the Dean of Libraries, Joy Kirchner, York University Libraries has created a comprehensive new resource for researchers around the world. Devoted exclusively to COVID-19, it could not be timelier. Responding with agility to the COVID-19 pandemic, York University’s Dean of Libraries, Joy Kirchner, has spearheaded the production of an innovative new resource […]