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Apple Canada

ABEL Summer Institute mobilizes new technology, best practices and partnerships to transform classroom learning

ABEL Summer Institute mobilizes new technology, best practices and partnerships to transform classroom learning

The Advanced Broadband Enabled Learning (ABEL) program has wrapped up another successful ABEL Summer Institute (ASI). The theme of the ninth annual ASI, which took place at York University from Aug. 23 to 25, was Creating the Future Now. The event welcomed some 200 delegates from across Ontario and Canada. The two-and-a-half-day professional learning event included keynote […]

ABEL Summer Institute unites teachers and techonology in August

ABEL Summer Institute unites teachers and techonology in August

Interactive technologies have revolutionized how we communicate, collaborate and generate ideas and knowledge. How do these changes affect classrooms? How do teachers stay ahead of the curve, and at the same time prepare students for the future? These questions and more will be explored in the ninth annual Advanced Broadband Enabled Learning (ABEL) 2010 Summer Institute (ASI 2010) […]

Professor Emeritus Jerome Durlak mentored many York students

Professor Emeritus Jerome Durlak mentored many York students

Professor Emeritus Jerome (Jerry) Durlak, a mentor to many generations of York students in numerous programs, died on Friday, May 21, in Toronto. For more than 50 years, Prof. Durlak worked on applied research and development projects internationally. He introduced innovations ranging from hybrid corn in Costa Rica to agricultural television programs in Guatemala and […]