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Barack Obama

Paul Delaney on Canadian aerospace industry's future growth in age of privatized space travel

Paul Delaney on Canadian aerospace industry's future growth in age of privatized space travel

A controversial decision by Barack Obama to privatize the exploration of space could be a blessing for Canada’s aerospace industry, say experts in the field, who argue that this country’s space agency and its associated industries are in a prime position to hitch their wagon to the US president’s initiative on a ride toward the […]

Professor Gail Fraser argues relief wells should be dug now for Newfoundland & Labrador's deepwater drilling projects

Professor Gail Fraser argues relief wells should be dug now for Newfoundland & Labrador's deepwater drilling projects

Newfoundland & Labrador is proceeding with the high-risk game of oil exploration in ultra-deep water, as regulators in the province express confidence in industry’s safety practices despite the ecological catastrophe of BP PLC’s Gulf of Mexico blowout, wrote The Globe and Mail June 3: Canada’s East Coast is now the only region in North America where […]