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Video: Professor Laurence Packer on why and how to make your garden bee-friendly

Without bees, we wouldn’t have coffee to drink at breakfast, tomatoes in your sandwich at lunch or fruit for a snack on the go. While bee populations all over the world are in trouble, there are lots of things individuals can do to create bee-friendly gardens — even if your personal green space is limited […]

Professors launch memory and migration book at round table on cultural memory

Following the wars of the 20th century, how does cultural memory strengthen or undermine social and political cohesion in a time of global migrations? That question will be discussed at the upcoming round table, Memory Studies and the Identity Problem: A Cross Reading of European and Canadian Cultural Traditions. The round table will take place […]

Professor Joel Lexchin: Some Canadian drugs are overpriced before they are patented

Canada needs a new system for controlling drug prices that does not depend on whether or not a drug has received a patent, according to an article by York Professor Dr. Joel Lexchin. Drug prices in Canada can be unregulated for years, a period during which companies may overprice the drugs and market them, says […]

Professor Robert Muller publishes psychology book for clients who resist therapy

A new book by York University psychology Professor Robert Muller offers help for therapists dealing with patients who resist treatment. Trauma and the Avoidant Client, to be officially released this week by W.W. Norton & Company, offers practical guidance for treating clients who withdraw into themselves or avoid disclosing painful past experiences. Right: Robert Muller “Trauma […]

Interdisicplinary symposium focuses on education and climate change

Today, the shared experiences of those working in education and climate change is the central theme of a one-day symposium taking place at York University. Organized by the Faculty of Education, the Institute for Research & Innovation in Sustainability (IRIS) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Chair for Reorienting Teacher Education Towards Sustainability, […]

Professor Peter McIsaac appointed director of Centre for German & European Studies

Peter McIsaac, a professor in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies’ Department of Languages, Literatures & Linguistics, has been appointed director of the Canadian Centre for German & European Studies (CCGES) at York University. The appointment became effective July 1. “I am truly excited to be taking on the directorship of CCGES, which is both a […]

Professor Myra Rutherdale’s new book examines women’s role in health and medicine

What happens in those places that are apart from the big cities and major hospitals when health care is needed? Who attends a labouring mother involved in a high-risk delivery or a critically ill newborn when a medical evacuation flight is delayed by bad weather or distance? Those questions and more are at the heart […]

Graduate student and bee researcher names new bee species to honour BC senior

George Dashwood Sr., a resident at Simon Fraser Lodge, is now the namesake of the rare Lasioglossum dashwoodi bee species in BC, wrote the Prince George Citizen July 7. Lincoln Best, a graduate student at York University, is one of several researchers who found this bee in the Okanangan in 2008: “There are hundreds of […]

Audio: Professor Laurence Packer speaks to Quirks & Quarks about bee research

Professor Laurence Packer, professor of biology in the Faculty of Science & Engineering, spoke to Bob McDonald, host of CBC’s Quirks & Quarks on June 26 about his research on international bee populations. He is the author of Keeping the Bees: Why All Bees Are at Risk and What We Can Do to Save Them. […]