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Professor Michael Helm’s novel reviewed in Edmonton Journal

Professor Michael Helm, assistant professor of English in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, has published his third novel, Cities of Refuge. Helm’s novel has attracted media attention through reviews and interviews. Helm’s brother, Richard, interviewed him about the novel May 2 in the Edmonton Journal: It’s a tricky business this, writing about […]

New book explores historical perspectives of Yiddish Language Conference

Canadians may be familiar with debates over language rights and nationalism, but a new book co-edited by two York history professors, Czernowitz at 100: The First Yiddish Language Conference in Historical Perspective, looks beyond our borders and back in time for its frame of reference: to Czernowitz in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The historic Czernowitz conference […]

Professor Michael Helm interviewed and reviewed about his new novel

Michael Helm, assistant professor of English in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, has published his third novel, Cities of Refuge. His is the author of The Projectionist, which was a Scotiabank Giller Prize finalist, and In the Place of Last Things, a regional Commonwealth Writers’ Prize for Best Book. The Globe & […]

Limiting growth will help environment, save jobs, says York prof

Peter Victor, a professor in York University’s Faculty of Environmental Studies, was featured in the Hamilton Mountain News April 22. His recent book, Managing Without Growth: Slower by Design, Not Disaster, argues economic growth hurts the environment and has not eliminated poverty or provided full employment: “We need a new measure of success,” said Victor, […]

York prof’s book on mating lives of birds attracts international media coverage

York Professor and Canada Research Chair Bridget Stutchbury is attracting international media attention with her new book, The Bird Detective. ABC News Online, the National Post, the Daily Mail Online and Maclean’ published articles discussing her book on April 13. Reuters wrote: It’s not all love in the avian world, where divorce, child abandonment and […]

York songbird expert and Canada Research Chair to speak in Stratford today

Professor Bridget Stutchbury,  a Canada Research Chair in  Ecology and Conservation Biology and a professor in the Department of Biology in the Faculty of Science & Engineering, has studied migratory songbirds like the hooded warbler, purple martin, scarlet tanager and wood thrush. On April 9, the Stratford Beacon-Herald reported on a talk she is scheduled […]

Sex, adultery, betrayal, divorce: York prof investigates birds’ clandestine behaviours

Why do birds divorce? What makes them cheat on their spouses? Why might couples favour one offspring over another? A new book by a York University professor delves into these and other aspects of the secret lives of birds. In The Bird Detective, Bridget Stutchbury roams forests and jungles studying the sexual antics and social […]

York University’s story embodies the new Canada

Canadian universities appear to be in a retrospective mood. Several new histories have appeared recently and others are in the works, wrote James Pitsula, history professor at the University of Regina, in a review of York University: The Way Must Be Tried for the Canadian Historical Review’s March edition. Michiel Horn’s York University is the […]