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Torn between renting and buying a home? York Prof has 11 reasons to rent

Renting your home avoids the risk of having most of your wealth in one basket, wrote Canadian Business Online Jan. 26 in a story about the top 11 reasons why some people would rather rent than own. As York University Professor Moshe Milevsky of the Schulich School of Business at York University writes in his […]

New book revisits maternal thinking as a concept

Mothers think. That was a revolutionary concept at one time, and may still be in some quarters – myth shattering and at the same time obvious. For York women’s studies Professor Andrea O’Reilly, it was life changing and groundbreaking, and was delivered by Sara Ruddick through her 1989 book Maternal Thinking: Towards a Politics of Peace. It […]

Professor’s new book re-examines the forces at play in interpreting photographs

A picture may tell a thousand words, but what if the image is distorted or the meaning misconstrued? The newly published Photographs, Histories, and Meanings, co-edited by York Professor Marlene Kadar, re-examines photographs and their social history, exploring the ideological, ethical, political and esthetic forces that influence their interpretation. Photographs, Histories, and Meanings (Palgrave Macmillan, […]

Prof. Jody Berland offers a fresh perspective on being Canadian

Professor Jody Berland takes a fresh look at what it means to be Canadian in her new book North of Empire: Essays on the Cultural Technologies of Space, published by Duke University Press. Launched last month and already labelled by critics as a major contribution to the fields of communication, cultural studies and geography, Berland’s book […]

Ontario nurses experiencing racism on the job: York professor

Ontario nurses are experiencing racism on the job to the point they are segregated into certain units within hospitals and onto certain shifts, wrote The Peterborough Examiner July 15, in a story about research by York University Professor Tania Das Gupta. Visible minorities are especially vulnerable, Das Gupta, chair of York’s Department of Equity Studies, […]