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Canada Foundation for Innovation

Professors developing radar stations to predict storms like recent Leamington tornado

Professors developing radar stations to predict storms like recent Leamington tornado

Wayne Hocking says things like, “It might turn out to be a red herring,” and “We’re still learning,” and “A lot of this is speculation,” wrote the London Free Press June 9: But despite all those cautious caveats, the local scientist says something happened high in the sky over southwestern Ontario on Sunday that just […]

Artists to discuss how digital sculpture expanded their work

Artists to discuss how digital sculpture expanded their work

The Toronto art-making duo Christian Giroux and Daniel Young (CGDY) have been working in York University’s Digital Sculpture Lab over the past few months as artists-in-residence in the Department of Visual Arts. They will present an overview of their work in a free public lecture titled "The Making of Boole", Wednesday, March 24, at 3pm […]

Math prof receives grant to study West Nile virus and global warming

Math prof receives grant to study West Nile virus and global warming

York math Professor Huaiping Zhu is working on understanding why there are outbreaks of the West Nile virus some years and not others. What goes into the mix – temperature, precipitation, mosquito population – to trigger the exact conditions needed for the virus to thrive? Knowing the answer could help in the development of mosquito […]