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Centre for Research on Language Contact (CRLC)

Professor Françoise Mougeon, Glendon's associate principal academic & research, steps down

Professor Françoise Mougeon, Glendon's associate principal academic & research, steps down

Glendon’s Françoise Mougeon will be stepping down this July after completing her three-year term as the associate principal academic & research. “Françoise Mougeon has made a signal contribution to Glendon through her two tenures as associate principal academic & research,” said Glendon Principal Kenneth McRoberts. “Over these several years, Françoise could always be counted on […]

Glendon Professor Raymond Mougeon co-investigator on $2.5- million francophone project

Glendon Professor Raymond Mougeon co-investigator on $2.5- million francophone project

Linguistics and language studies Professor Raymond Mougeon, director of Glendon’s Centre for Research on Language Contact (CRLC), is a co-investigator on a seven-year, $2.5-million project to examine 400 years of family histories to see how language has shaped communities and cultures. Funded through the Major Collaborative Research Initiatives program of the Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of […]

Glendon Professor Raymond Mougeon joins $2.5M-project to study North American francophones

Glendon Professor Raymond Mougeon joins $2.5M-project to study North American francophones

The way French is spoken in places as diverse as Gatineau, Shediac and New Orleans can tell us a lot about how francophone communities evolved in North America, and it's the subject of a major study beginning at the University of Ottawa, wrote the Ottawa Citizen March 17: The $2.5-million project is led by Francine […]

York researchers respond to New York Times book review to defend Great Ape Trust's scientific integrity

York researchers respond to New York Times book review to defend Great Ape Trust's scientific integrity

Ten academics, including James Benson and William Greaves, professors emeriti at Glendon College, and Stuart Shanker, distinguished research professor in philosophy & psychology in York’s Faculty of Health and director of the Milton and Ethel Harris Research Initiative, wrote a letter to The New York Times' Sunday Book Review section Oct. 17 in which they respond […]

Glendon's Bonobo Human Discourse research team to meet US members

Glendon's Bonobo Human Discourse research team to meet US members

A nine-member Glendon research team, including senior scholars Jim Benson and Bill Greaves from the Department of English, is travelling to Des Moines, Iowa, for a four-day interaction with other similar research teams, from April 29 to May 2, to discuss linguistics and bonobo human discourse. The team is engaged in the multi-location, multi-year Bonobo Human Discourse […]