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Professor Debra Pepler argues you can't just punish children who bully

Professor Debra Pepler argues you can't just punish children who bully

Punishment isn’t the answer for kids who learned to bully at home, says a Toronto psychology professor, wrote Halifax’s Chronicle-Herald April 9. "If a child is bullied at home by his or her parents or siblings, they’re going to learn the patterns they need to learn about the use of power and aggression in relationships," […]

Professor Lisa Philipps notes one string attached to Harper's family tax cut plan

Professor Lisa Philipps notes one string attached to Harper's family tax cut plan

Income-splitting for families with dependent children under 18 is a huge policy initiative for Stephen Harper’s majority-hungry Conservative party, wrote the Financial Post March 28, in a story outlining the details of the plan. So huge, you wonder why it wasn’t the centrepiece of last week’s dead-on-arrival federal budget. But the Family Tax Cut plan […]

New partnership embeds York researchers at Southlake Hospital

New partnership embeds York researchers at Southlake Hospital

A new research initiative involving a partnership between York University and Southlake Regional Health Centre in Newmarket will see feature leading scientists from the University serving as embedded researchers at the hospital. York Professors Chris Ardern, Imogen Coe, Paul Ritvo and Lauren Sergio will work on site for one to two days a week with hospital clinicians to […]

Professor Rebecca Riddell takes infant pain research to CIHR's Café scientifique

Professor Rebecca Riddell takes infant pain research to CIHR's Café scientifique

Not so long ago, many in the medical profession thought infants didn’t feel pain, and whether it was a heel prick or open heart surgery, pain relief was not required. York psychology Professor Rebecca Pillai Riddell (BA Spec. Hons. '96), had a different take – that infants did experience pain and it was important to figure out […]

Psychology students' blog aims to make trauma research accessible

Psychology students' blog aims to make trauma research accessible

How people cope with traumatic events varies widely between individuals, and the impact on a family can be long lasting and devastating. Now there is a new resource coming out of York University for people seeking information on what to do when faced with the effects of trauma. Released today, The Trauma and Attachment Report […]

York study of parents and loss receives international attention

York study of parents and loss receives international attention

One of the toughest challenges a parent faces when a child dies is to learn how to parent the surviving children, and the task begins immediately, according to York University psychology Professor Stephen Fleming, wrote the Times of India and other newspapers and websites in the US and South Asia Feb. 16: From the moment […]

How do you keep parenting after one child dies? Professor Stephen Fleming's guide for counsellors

How do you keep parenting after one child dies? Professor Stephen Fleming's guide for counsellors

One of the toughest challenges a parent faces when a child dies is to learn how to parent the surviving children – and the task begins immediately, according to York University psychology Professor Stephen Fleming. From the moment their child dies, parents are faced with the two extremes of loss and life – the suffocating […]

York psychologist studies the 'spacing effect' in teaching

York psychologist studies the 'spacing effect' in teaching

In the late 1800s, German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus set out to memorize hundreds of nonsense syllables and discovered it was more efficient to space out his study sessions than to try to learn long lists in one sitting [wrote The Globe and Mail Feb. 7]: Hundreds of studies carried out since have established the power […]

Are best friends bad for your kid? Professor Debra Pepler on best friends and bullying

Are best friends bad for your kid? Professor Debra Pepler on best friends and bullying

Some schools are discouraging close friendships in the hopes of preventing bullying, wrote Diane Peters in Jan. 26: It’s not that concerned educators are “out to get” best friends. But they are trying to nudge close pals apart a little bit, so that they don’t become too insular. Twosomes can turn into threesomes, and […]

Professor Stephen Fleming: Children shouldn't be excluded from funerals

Professor Stephen Fleming: Children shouldn't be excluded from funerals

What should families consider when involving young children in a parent’s funeral? asked the Toronto Star’s Jan. 20, in a story about the funeral of Toronto Police officer Ryan Russell, which his two-year-old son Nolan attended: Opinions on the subject have shifted from the days when children weren’t expected to attend funerals at all. […]