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Chris Ardern

Better care aim of hospital research partnership between York and Southlake

If you’re a patient at Southlake Regional Health Centre, there’s now a better chance you’ll be part of a research project, wrote the Newmarket Era March 16; the story also appeared on A partnership between the local hospital and York University will embed leading scientists from the postsecondary institution as researchers to work alongside […]

New partnership embeds York researchers at Southlake Hospital

A new research initiative involving a partnership between York University and Southlake Regional Health Centre in Newmarket will see feature leading scientists from the University serving as embedded researchers at the hospital. York Professors Chris Ardern, Imogen Coe, Paul Ritvo and Lauren Sergio will work on site for one to two days a week with hospital clinicians to […]

York study examines mortality risk associated with obesity

Being seriously overweight will cut your life short, even if you experience no major health problems as a result of your condition, according to a new study by researchers in York University’s Faculty of Health. The study examined the mortality risk of more than 6,000 Americans aged 18 to 65 years over a nine-year span using […]