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Christine Jonas-Simpson

Professor Christine Jonas-Smith premieres film on families living with perinatal loss

Professor Christine Jonas-Smith premieres film on families living with perinatal loss

York nursing Professor Christine Jonas-Simpson has always been keenly interested in loss and grief, how people experience it and how they integrate it into their lives in a continuing way. It was while doing research on daughters who had lost their mothers to Alzheimer’s disease that Jonas-Simpson experienced what she calls “the deepest loss of my […]

Nursing Professors Patricia Bradley and Christine Jonas-Simpson win provincial teaching awards

Nursing Professors Patricia Bradley and Christine Jonas-Simpson win provincial teaching awards

Pair recognized for graduate and undergraduate teaching excellence Two York nursing professors have won provincial awards for innovative and excellent teaching. At its fourth annual awards ceremony Saturday, the Council of Ontario Universities Programs in Nursing (COUPN) presented Patricia Bradley with the Teaching Innovation Award and Christine Jonas-Simpson with the Excellence in Teaching Award. Above: […]

Professor Christine Jonas Simpson transforms son's stillbirth into groundbreaking research

Professor Christine Jonas Simpson transforms son's stillbirth into groundbreaking research

Stillbirths claim more lives each year than HIV-AIDS and malaria combined When Christine Jonas-Simpson’s son Ethan was born, there was an eerie quiet in the delivery room, and then a piercing wail, wrote The Globe and Mail's Andre Picard April 13. “The only cry I heard was my own,” she said somberly. Ethan was dead, […]

November is Research Month: York celebrates with a series of events

November is Research Month: York celebrates with a series of events

Research Month celebrates the achievements and diversity of York University’s research community. Throughout November, the Vari Hall Rotunda will play host to displays and demonstrations featuring our faculty and graduate researchers. Drop by between 10 am and 2 pm each Wednesday to learn what York's researchers are doing. The Research Month index on York's Research […]