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clinical psychology

Two York psychology profs listed in top 11

Two York psychology profs listed in top 11

York psychology professors Jane Irvine and Debra Pepler of York’s Faculty of Health have recently been named two of the most published women in the field of clinical psychology in Canada, according to an article in the Canadian Psychology journal. “Assessing the Publication Productivity of Clinical Psychology Professors in Canadian Psychological Association-Accredited Canadian Psychology Departments,” […]

Psychology students show off fourth-year research projects

Psychology students show off fourth-year research projects

Students Angela Deotto and Lilly Solomon recognized for poster projects If you were wandering through Vari Hall last Wednesday afternoon, you could have stopped and chatted with fourth-year psychology students about some pretty esoteric subjects. The rotunda was a maze of posters featuring the thesis projects of 78 students ready to explain whether eating disturbances are symptoms of depression, how to […]

Professor Robert Muller publishes psychology book for clients who resist therapy

Professor Robert Muller publishes psychology book for clients who resist therapy

A new book by York University psychology Professor Robert Muller offers help for therapists dealing with patients who resist treatment. Trauma and the Avoidant Client, to be officially released this week by W.W. Norton & Company, offers practical guidance for treating clients who withdraw into themselves or avoid disclosing painful past experiences. Right: Robert Muller “Trauma […]