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Dean’s Award for Research Excellence (DARE)

DARE research project continues into grad studies for sociology student

DARE research project continues into grad studies for sociology student

An undergraduate summer research project selected for the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies’ (LA&PS) Dean’s Award for Research Excellence (DARE) program in 2020, has shown that mentorship between faculty and students can have a long-lasting impact. The DARE award offers Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies undergraduate students the opportunity to participate […]

LA&PS celebrates student research excellence

LA&PS celebrates student research excellence

The Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies (LA&PS) is celebrating the fourth annual Dean’s Award for Research Excellence (DARE) by recognizing 54 students for their research achievements. This year’s DARE recipients produced meaningful work across all disciplines offered in LA&PS. Over the summer, each student played an integral role in coordinating projects that added valuable scholarly inquiry to […]