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Department of Equity Studies

Professor Haideh Moghissi's 1999 book on feminism and Islam finds new readers in Indonesia

Professor Haideh Moghissi's 1999 book on feminism and Islam finds new readers in Indonesia

About five years ago, Haideh Moghissi heard of plans to translate into Indonesian her 1999 book, Feminism and Islamic Fundamentalism: The Limits of Postmodern Analysis. She didn’t hear anything more until two months ago when, lo and behold, she learned it had not only been translated, it had been published. Slowly, over the past 12 […]

Professor Lorne Foster's book reviews major issues from black community perspective

Professor Lorne Foster's book reviews major issues from black community perspective

In his recent book, Writing Justice: Voicing Issues in the Third Media, York public policy & equity studies Professor Lorne Foster provides a retrospective review of the burning issues of the last decade from the perspective of Canada’s black community. The launch for Writing Justice (Multicultural History Society of Ontario, 2011) will take place on […]

Four York professors to explore turmoils in the Middle East today

Four York professors to explore turmoils in the Middle East today

Want to understand recent events in Egypt and the surrounding region better? A Teach-in Panel on Turmoils in the Middle East – an area covering North Africa and Western Asia – will be presented this week, featuring York professors from the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies. The teach-in will take place Thursday, Feb. […]

Ontario nurses experiencing racism on the job: York professor

Ontario nurses experiencing racism on the job: York professor

Ontario nurses are experiencing racism on the job to the point they are segregated into certain units within hospitals and onto certain shifts, wrote The Peterborough Examiner July 15, in a story about research by York University Professor Tania Das Gupta. Visible minorities are especially vulnerable, Das Gupta, chair of York’s Department of Equity Studies, […]