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Department of Psychology

Soraya Mehdizadeh, undergraduate psychology student, finds Facebook fiends tend to be narcissistic and insecure

Soraya Mehdizadeh, undergraduate psychology student, finds Facebook fiends tend to be narcissistic and insecure

Narcissists and those with low self-esteem gravitate toward Facebook as a self-promotional tool and tend to be heavier users of the site, according to a study by a York University psychology student. Soraya Mehdizadeh examined the online habits and personalities of 100 Facebook users at York University ranging in age from 18-25 years old. Her […]

Professors Anne Russon and Kristin Andrews' study shows how orangutans use mime to communicate

Professors Anne Russon and Kristin Andrews' study shows how orangutans use mime to communicate

Just like humans, orangutans will resort to mime to get their message across, scientists report, wrote BBC News online Aug. 11. Just like humans, orangutans will resort to mime to get their message across, scientists report. A team from Canada found the great apes would sometimes use elaborate gestures to explain what they meant. They […]

Ontario's lieutenant governor visits York's Milton & Ethel Harris Research Initiative

Ontario's lieutenant governor visits York's Milton & Ethel Harris Research Initiative

The Milton & Ethel Harris Research Initiative (MEHRI) explores the critical role of the caregiving environment in the evolution and development of language, intelligence, social skills and reflective consciousness in children. During a recent conversation with York University President & Vice-Chancellor Mamdouh Shoukri, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, David Onley (Hon. LLD '09), expressed an interest in the research initiative. […]

Professor Leslie Greenberg's emotion-focused therapy clinic brings international therapists to York for training

Professor Leslie Greenberg's emotion-focused therapy clinic brings international therapists to York for training

When York psychology Professor Leslie Greenberg (PhD '96) was first developing his emotion-focused therapy (EFT) approach, he was bucking a trend that put the emphasis on controlling and suppressing emotions, rather than working with them. That was in 1986. Today, EFT is catching on as a therapeutic approach of choice and therapists are coming to […]

Professor Robert Muller publishes psychology book for clients who resist therapy

Professor Robert Muller publishes psychology book for clients who resist therapy

A new book by York University psychology Professor Robert Muller offers help for therapists dealing with patients who resist treatment. Trauma and the Avoidant Client, to be officially released this week by W.W. Norton & Company, offers practical guidance for treating clients who withdraw into themselves or avoid disclosing painful past experiences. Right: Robert Muller “Trauma […]

York researchers find anxiety may be at root of religious extremism

York researchers find anxiety may be at root of religious extremism

Anxiety and uncertainty can cause us to become more idealistic and radical in our religious beliefs, according to new findings by York University researchers published in this month’s issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. In a series of studies, more than 600 participants were placed in anxiety-provoking or neutral situations and then asked […]

York study on gay men's brains covered on, other international outlets

York study on gay men's brains covered on, other international outlets

Gay men can recall familiar faces faster and more accurately than their heterosexual counterparts because, like women, they use both sides of their brains, according to a new study by York University researchers. The study published in the journal, Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition and led by Psychology Professor Jennifer Steeves in the […]

Gay men's bilateral brains better at remembering faces: York U study

Gay men's bilateral brains better at remembering faces: York U study

Gay men can recall familiar faces faster and more accurately than their heterosexual counterparts because, like women, they use both sides of their brains, according to a new study by York University researchers. The study, published in the journal, Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition, examined the influence of gender, sexual orientation and whether […]

Surprised Canada's the 12-worst country for bullying? Professor Debra Pepler says examine adult behaviour

Surprised Canada's the 12-worst country for bullying? Professor Debra Pepler says examine adult behaviour

Canada’s ranking as the 12th worst country for bullying among 40 wealthy nations is an eye-opener, say the organizers of a childhood bullying prevention conference held at McMaster University, wrote The Hamilton Spectator May 29: York University Distinguished Research Professor in psychology, Debra Pepler, a PREVNet co-director and member of York’s Faculty of Health, said people […]

Professors Armstrong and Greenberg to be named Distinguished Research Professors

Professors Armstrong and Greenberg to be named Distinguished Research Professors

This year, York is honouring sociology and women’s studies Professor Pat Armstrong and psychology Professor Leslie Greenberg with its highest award, Distinguished Research Professor, for their outstanding contributions to the University through research. The title will be conferred on Armstrong at the Spring 2010 Convocation on June 16 at 10:30am and on Greenberg during the […]