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facial recognition

Centre for Vision Research study pinpoints part of brain that suppresses automatic responses

Centre for Vision Research study pinpoints part of brain that suppresses automatic responses

Research from York University is revealing which regions in the brain “fire up” when we suppress an automatic behaviour, such as the urge to look at other people as we enter an elevator. A York study, published recently in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, used fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) to track brain activity […]

Professor Fran Wilkinson discusses research on vision and migraine headaches November 11

Professor Fran Wilkinson discusses research on vision and migraine headaches November 11

York psychology Professor Fran Wilkinson will talk about her visual neuroscience research, including the connection between vision and migraine headaches, tomorrow as part of the Faculty Research Profile Series. “From Cats Eyes to Headaches: Adventures in Neuroscience” will take place Thursday, Nov. 11, from 2 to 3:30pm at 214 Calumet College, Keele campus. RSVP by […]

Professor Jennifer Steeves in Centre for Vision Research finds face blindness sufferers better at recognizing voices

Professor Jennifer Steeves in Centre for Vision Research finds face blindness sufferers better at recognizing voices

People who can no longer recognize faces compensate with heightened voice recognition abilities, says a York University study, which also finds that our brains may identify people and things on separate neurological planes. The study, recently published in the journal Neuropsychologia looked at a rare disorder called prosopagnosia, in which the ability to visually identify […]