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Faculty of Fine Arts

Graduate film students create visual showcase of 40 years of York filmmaking

The Department of Film in the Faculty of Fine Arts celebrates its 40th anniversary this year, and is marking this milestone with a series of events highlighting past achievements and looking to the future. One of the “birthday” productions is The 40 Film, a specially commissioned compilation of one-minute clips from 40 student films made […]

Professors launch memory and migration book at round table on cultural memory

Following the wars of the 20th century, how does cultural memory strengthen or undermine social and political cohesion in a time of global migrations? That question will be discussed at the upcoming round table, Memory Studies and the Identity Problem: A Cross Reading of European and Canadian Cultural Traditions. The round table will take place […]

Film student David Hollands’ paper names the ‘reboot’ as new Hollywood trend

Walking into a movie theatre to watch a sequel, an audience generally knows what to expect – more of the same. But in recent years, there has been a trend towards discarding the standard sequel formula, allowing a new artistic team to reimagine a film franchise. For better or for worse – the cinematic results of […]

York alumni shine at Toronto International Film Festival

Avant-garde, thrilling, provocative, brainy and fascinating are just a few of the words used to describe films directed by several York alumni, as well as a current student, that are screening at this year’s Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) . The York talent among the 300 productions showing at TIFF Sept. 9 to 19 includes debut […]

Video: York’s dance faculty, alumni and students front and centre at global assembly

Several professors, alumni and students from York University’s Department of Dance participated in the World Dance Alliance (WDA) 2010 Global Dance Event July 12 to 17 in New York City. More than 300 dance artists, scholars, educators and students, representing more than 25 countries, came together to explore the WDA ‘s 2010 theme, “In Time Together: Viewing and Reviewing […]

Interdisicplinary symposium focuses on education and climate change

Today, the shared experiences of those working in education and climate change is the central theme of a one-day symposium taking place at York University. Organized by the Faculty of Education, the Institute for Research & Innovation in Sustainability (IRIS) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Chair for Reorienting Teacher Education Towards Sustainability, […]

York filmmakers shine in the industry spotlight

York filmmakers are making headlines and shining in the industry spotlight. From film festival successes to prestigious awards, these cinematic storytellers have much to share. CineSiege, York’s annual juried student film festival, is often the harbinger for success at festivals around the world. After, the winner of the CineSiege Best Sound Award in 2009, is […]