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Faculty of Science & Engineering

Video: York astronomer speaks to CTV about Endeavour space mission

Paul Delaney, senior lecturer and astronomer in the Faculty of Science & Engineering‘s Department of Physics and Astronomy, appeared on CTV NewsNet last Sunday to talk about the success of the space shuttle Endeavour’s mission, the remaining four flights scheduled for NASA‘s space shuttle program, and the International Space Station‘s ongoing role in providing laboratory […]

Researchers expanding GTA’s capacity for 3D film production

$1.4 million interdisciplinary project includes filmmakers, vision scientists, psychologists and industry partners Filmmakers, vision scientists and psychologists at York University have secured over $1.4 million to fund the 3D Film Innovation Consortium (3D FLIC), a two-year academic-industry partnership that will expand capacity for 3-D film production in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) and Ontario. “The […]

Scientists discover new way to detect gamma ray bursts from supernovas

An international team of scientists have discovered a new way of detecting gamma ray bursts while using radio telescopes to observe supernovas. Their discovery may provide new clues in understanding how some supernovas explode and how they may be related to gamma ray bursts. Michael Bietenholz, a research associate in the Faculty of Science & […]

Biomarkers hold promise of a blood test for endometrial cancer

Researchers at York University’s Centre for Research in Mass Spectrometry (CRMS), Mount Sinai Hospital and the University Health Network have identified protein biomarkers that may aid in the diagnosis and prognosis of endometrial cancer, which affects the lining of the uterus. The researchers hope that a partnership with the private sector will expedite clinical testing and […]

Undergrads win a rare chance to do research

Last summer, a number of York undergraduates won the chance to spend their 16-week break doing research and getting paid for it. Funded by national grants, they worked with York biology and chemistry professors on projects ranging from how wood thrushes care for their young to how to reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. They were […]

Video: Professor Laurence Packer featured on The Nature of Things

Professor Laurence Packer’s bee lab was recently featured on CBC’s The Nature of Things, hosted by David Suzuki. The episode, “To Be or Not to Be”, highlights dramatic declines in North America’s wild bee and honey bee populations, and explores whether the disappearance of the insects is an early warning sign of a larger ecological […]

York’s newest molecular biologist chases the mysteries of La

Although he doesn’t have many hobbies, biologist Mark Bayfield might consider taking up origami, based on the particular talents of his favourite research subject: the protein antigen known as La, one of the cell’s key regulators. The La antigen is noted for its abundance and ubiquity in human cells, where it has several roles in […]

Particle physics team looks forward to working with TRIUMF

York particle physicist Sampa Bhadra (below right) has already figured out how she intends to spend her next sabbatical leave when it comes in 2013 – she’s hoping to visit British Columbia so she can spend some quality time at a subatomic research facility that’s larger than two city blocks and houses the biggest cyclotron […]

New centre looks at biomedical interactions

Scientists at the new Centre for Research on Biomolecular Interactions (CRBI) at York University, which officially opens today, aim to make discoveries that will impact global health care and the treatment of diseases. Understanding the foundation of key interactions at the molecular level is the research focus at the new centre, which will be housed in York’s Faculty of Science & Engineering. […]

U50: Recipient of President’s Research Excellence Award named

John Tsotsos, Distinguished Research Professor in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Faculty of Science & Engineering, has been named the winner of the York University President’s Research Excellence Award. The award, introduced during York’s 50th year, recognizes outstanding research achievement and significant contributions to advance the University’s international reputation for research excellence. Distinguished […]