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figure skating

Emerging dance masters unveil new works

Emerging dance masters unveil new works

Graduate students Shannon Roberts, Nancy Latoszewski Greyeyes and Ilse Gudiño, candidates in York’s Master of Fine Arts (MFA) program in choreography and dance dramaturgy, premiere new choreographies for ensembles in Temenos. The show, performed by professional and pre-professional dancers, runs Feb. 15 to 17 in the Sandra Faire & Ivan Fecan Theatre at the Keele campus. Shannon Roberts. […]

Video: York study from Centre for Vision Research finds Olympic athletes may seem faster in red

Video: York study from Centre for Vision Research finds Olympic athletes may seem faster in red

Wearing red at the Olympics may give an athlete an easy advantage, according to a York University study that shows perceptions of motion are subconsciously affected by colour. “All things being equal between two figure skaters – including their actual speed on the ice – the judges will perceive a skater in red is moving […]

York students, faculty contribute artistry to Vancouver Olympics

York students, faculty contribute artistry to Vancouver Olympics

Research at York is broader than books, journal articles, scientific findings or data sets. In the Faculty of Fine Arts, research can result in a dance, piece of music, or animation fit for the world stage. While the athletes and competitive games are the major focus of the 2010 Winter Olympics, the York fine arts […]