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Glendon primatologist talks orangutans, research and rainforests

Glendon primatologist talks orangutans, research and rainforests

Prominent Canadian primatologist and Glendon psychology Professor Anne Russon will talk about the Borneo Orangutan Society of Canada (BOS Canada) and their research projects in Kutai National Park this Thursday as part of the Institute for Research & Innovation in Sustainability Speaker Series. The talk, “Orangutans: Research & Rainforest Protection in Borneo”, will take place Nov. 10, […]

Glendon Campus Project on sustainability launches website tomorrow

Glendon Campus Project on sustainability launches website tomorrow

Glendon has a rich history, including a forest containing some rare trees – one of which was brought over from China and once thought to be extinct. Professor Stuart Schoenfeld and Helen Psathas, senior manager, Environmental Design & Sustainability, will talk campus sustainability tomorrow at the launch of the Glendon Campus Project website. “Environmental History of the […]