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graduate students

Psychology grad student wins grant for advocacy and research

Psychology grad student wins grant for advocacy and research

York PhD clinical psychology student Kaley Roosen (BSc Spec. Hons. ’07, MA ’09)  is one of four winners of a Soroptimist Foundation of Canada grant for Canadian women graduate students worth $7,500 for her research and advocacy work.   The grant is designed to assist women with university studies, which will lead to careers helping to improve […]

York researchers awarded $7 million by NSERC

York researchers awarded $7 million by NSERC

The Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) announced Wednesday that 60 researchers at York University have been awarded more than $7 million in NSERC grants, while eight graduate students have received a total of $318,500 in funding for scholarships and fellowships. The funding was awarded following national, peer-reviewed competitions conducted by NSERC.   […]

Two York profs receive Ontario Early Researcher Awards

Two York profs receive Ontario Early Researcher Awards

York Professors Natasha Myers and Thilo Womelsdorf have been awarded $100,000 each in funding under the Ontario government’s Early Researcher Awards program.   Ontario’s Ministry of Economic Development & Innovation announced the awards Monday.  York University’s research investment of $50,000 will match the funds for the award. The Early Researcher Awards program helps promising, recently appointed […]

Six York grad students conduct research in Sierra Leone

Six York grad students conduct research in Sierra Leone

Six graduate students from York’s Department of History are currently conducting archival research at the Sierra Leone Public Archives in Sierra Leone to help preserve endangered documents and repatriate historical material to the country. Augustin D'Almeida Master’s degree candidates Myles Ali, Chantelle Flowers and Shoshawnah Ross Lautenschlager, along with PhD candidates Katrina Keefer, Jeffrey Gunn […]

VPRI responds to the federal budget

VPRI responds to the federal budget

Robert Haché, vice-president research & innovation, has issued this commentary on the federal budget to the York community. The recent federal budget reinforced the importance the government is placing on putting its fiscal house in order with some programs receiving cuts in excess of 10 per cent. Within that overall context of restraint is a welcome affirmation of […]

Emerging dance masters unveil new works

Emerging dance masters unveil new works

Graduate students Shannon Roberts, Nancy Latoszewski Greyeyes and Ilse Gudiño, candidates in York’s Master of Fine Arts (MFA) program in choreography and dance dramaturgy, premiere new choreographies for ensembles in Temenos. The show, performed by professional and pre-professional dancers, runs Feb. 15 to 17 in the Sandra Faire & Ivan Fecan Theatre at the Keele campus. Shannon Roberts. […]

Faculty of Fine Arts shines spotlight on research

Faculty of Fine Arts shines spotlight on research

From investigating how typography could reduce medication errors to using math as a tool to teach jazz, Faculty of Fine Arts scholars and practitioners have a fascinating array of research projects to share during the Fine Arts Research Celebration Monday, Feb. 6. Robert Haché, vice-president research & innovation, and Barbara Sellers-Young, dean of the Faculty of […]

FES explores connection between literature and environment

FES explores connection between literature and environment

What is the connection between Canadian literature and the environment? That question is what the Faculty of Environmental Studies wants to explore through its three-day event, Green Words/Green Worlds: Environmental Literatures & Politics in Canada, encompassing a public forum, a conference and writing workshops. Notable Canadian environmental poets Brian Bartlett, Armand Garnet Ruffo and Rita […]

York researchers receive more than $11.9 million in SSHRC funding

York researchers receive more than $11.9 million in SSHRC funding

Researchers, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows at York University have been awarded more than $11.9 million from the Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). The grants, part of $237 million in funding and awards recently announced, span across nine York Faculties and support research that improves the quality of life of Canadians, […]

Professor Laurence Packer to discuss why bees are at risk at tomorrow's Pollinators Festival

Professor Laurence Packer to discuss why bees are at risk at tomorrow's Pollinators Festival

Celebrate the birds and the bees tomorrow at the Pollinators Festival. Learn why the bees are at risk with York Professor Laurence Packer in the Department of Biology and about the social life of honey bees with the Toronto Beekeeping Co-operative. The Pollinators Festival, part of International Pollinator Week, will take place from 8am to […]