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human emotion

York Autism Research Alliance shares research findings with wider autism community

York Autism Research Alliance shares research findings with wider autism community

Some 24 outside agencies came to the inaugural York Autism Research Alliance’s Research Showcase at York last week to hear what researchers were working on – everything from isolating three to 20 genes potentially responsible for Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) to looking at how children with ASD process visual and auditory information. “The take home […]

On Valentine's Day, Professor David Reid says give to your relationship to get results

On Valentine's Day, Professor David Reid says give to your relationship to get results

The best gift you can give your partner this Valentine’s Day isn’t flowers or chocolate, but rather the experience of the relationship they desire, according to a York University psychologist. “In order to have a successful relationship, you really need to be able to give of yourself – to go outside your own needs, wants […]

SSHRC-Funded project discovers writing yourself a feel-good letter can lead to an emotional boost

SSHRC-Funded project discovers writing yourself a feel-good letter can lead to an emotional boost

Writing yourself a feel-good letter can lead to a long-term boost in emotional well-being, although it won’t work if you’re extremely needy, a York University study has found. Individuals who wrote themselves a compassionate or optimistic letter every day for a week were less depressed up to three months later and reported an overall increase in […]

Professor Leslie Greenberg's emotion-focused therapy clinic brings international therapists to York for training

Professor Leslie Greenberg's emotion-focused therapy clinic brings international therapists to York for training

When York psychology Professor Leslie Greenberg (PhD '96) was first developing his emotion-focused therapy (EFT) approach, he was bucking a trend that put the emphasis on controlling and suppressing emotions, rather than working with them. That was in 1986. Today, EFT is catching on as a therapeutic approach of choice and therapists are coming to […]

Professors Armstrong and Greenberg to be named Distinguished Research Professors

Professors Armstrong and Greenberg to be named Distinguished Research Professors

This year, York is honouring sociology and women’s studies Professor Pat Armstrong and psychology Professor Leslie Greenberg with its highest award, Distinguished Research Professor, for their outstanding contributions to the University through research. The title will be conferred on Armstrong at the Spring 2010 Convocation on June 16 at 10:30am and on Greenberg during the […]