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Korea Speaker Series promotes discussion of emerging research

There’s far more to Korea than kimch’i, Gangnam style, or the Kim family cult, says York history Professor Janice Kim, organizer of the 2012-2013 YCAR Korea Speaker Series. The series is designed to introduce students and faculty to recently published and emerging research on North and South Korea and their relations with their Northeast Asian […]

University of Oxford social anthropologist to give Asia Lecture

Xiang Biao, a lecturer in social anthropology at the University of Oxford, will deliver the annual 2012 Asia Lecture in November. Xiang’s talk, “The Intermediary Trap: International Labour Recruitment, Transnational Governance and State-Citizen Relations in China,” will take place Nov. 5 at 519 York Research Tower, Keele campus. A reception will begin at 2:30pm, followed […]

Professor Thomas Klassen heads to Korea to research and mobilize new labour force policies

Thomas Klassen, a professor in the Department of Political Science and the School of Public Policy & Administration in the Faculty of Liberal & Professional Studies, has been invited to South Korea to be a visiting researcher. Right: Thomas Klassen The Korea Labor Institute has asked Klassen to conduct research on new policies for Korea’s labour force […]

Professor Thomas Klassen: South Korea’s population targeted to be ‘most elderly’ by 2025

By 2050, the median age in Korea is projected to be 57 years, according to an article written by Thomas Klassen of York University’s Department of Political Science in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies. The article was published January 12, 2010 for, but was quoted in’s July 29 article about […]