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Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)

Environment Minister Peter Kent tours Life Sciences Building

Environment Minister Peter Kent tours Life Sciences Building

New research and teaching facility scheduled to open Fall 2011 Federal Environment Minister Peter Kent paid an informal visit to York's Keele campus yesterday to view first-hand the results of the government's investment in Canada's current and future scientists and researchers. Above: From left, Environment Minister Peter Kent, senior project superintendent Chris Robinson and York President & Vice-Chancellor […]

Video: Graduate students benefitting from space in York's Research Tower

Video: Graduate students benefitting from space in York's Research Tower

The 10-storey York Research Tower provides new facilities purposely designed to help graduate students be more effective researchers on floors six, seven and eight. Professor Susan Henders, director of the York Centre for Asian Research, spoke about the new facilities during a recent research celebration. Her remarks are available on the Research Web site's multimedia […]

York Research Tower: Creating a new model for research collaboration

York Research Tower: Creating a new model for research collaboration

Researchers, faculty, administrators and staff working in the York Research Tower gathered on May 4 to celebrate the new building’s role in fostering social science and humanities research across York University (all speaker videos are available in the Research Multimedia Centre). Above: The York Research Tower, which opened in September 2009, features some 84,000 square feet […]

York Research Tower earns LEED silver certification

York Research Tower earns LEED silver certification

The York Research Tower, which was recently celebrated for the added research capacity it has brought to the Keele campus, is also a model of sustainability. The tower is the only building on campus to receive a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) silver certification. The internationally recognized green building certification system provides third-party verification that […]