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Professor Jody Berland to lecture on cultures of militarization December 8

Humanities Professor Jody Berland will take a critical look at how militarization has become so common in society that it is now seen as the norm. Berland’s lecture, “Cultures of Militarization”, takes place today from 4 in the Vanier Senior Common Room, 010 Vanier College. All are welcome. The lecture’s title and topic are borrowed from Cultures of Militarization, which Berland co-edited with […]

York-based journal and book examine militarization of everyday life

A special double issue of TOPIA: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies – also being published as a book – examines the role that militarization plays in our lives and its effects on civic culture. “Cultures of Militarization,” edited by Jody Berland (right), professor in York’s Department of Humanities, and Blake Fitzpatrick, professor in the School […]